Example sentences of "[vb pp] [that] i [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I would not for a moment have it supposed that I mean anything derogatory to Dr. Yeats … but human nature is fallible .
2 ‘ Have you forgotten that I know you were involved with him six years ago ?
3 I 'd forgotten that I pay you a salary !
4 You must have realised that I resented him . ’
5 He 's guessed that I suspect something , but he ca n't possibly know just what , nor how .
6 You have probably heard that I found it impossible to afford living in London any longer and have come here as a master .
7 ‘ But you were looking so absorbed that I guessed you were admiring that wonderful bureau . ’
8 ‘ Why have I always felt that I knew you before ? ’
9 The performances on this new disc are first-rate ; indeed they are so polished that I found myself occasionally longing for something with a little more humanity and which more faithfully reflected what were in all probability the more rough-and-ready sounds of the Kürbs-Hütte clientele .
10 Er , but having said that I mean I have a sweet five year old daughter and I would n't change her for anything , but given the second chance I would n't do it again .
11 Having said that I mean I think there there has been obviously some concern about some security measures , other than terrorist or so called terrorist threats in relation to staff personal security in the building which is why we 've actually moved towards more one stop per section area so there are limits to where the public are actually free to move around the building .
12 No mine are n't too bad really it 's just that I do n't like being having said that I had one .
13 For my part , I have said that I think it is possible to justify gradualist , incremental tactics as a means of bringing about lasting change .
14 Once I had said that I found it a lot easier to speak to her .
15 Well if you 'd have seen that I mean I and she sleeps in the airing cupboard she 's now started to get in there , but she 's half out on the landing .
16 You may , perhaps , have thought that I put my point of view too emphatically to you on a matter on which you hold strong views , whereas I am not a partisan on the question of the death penalty .
17 ‘ I would have thought that I knew him fairly well , but in writing the lyrics I found depths I had never contemplated . ’
18 So you 're all agreed that I want you to pack up at half past ten ?
19 The Bloods/Crips programme is so infinitely the best scheme for recovering LA thus far offered that I append it here in its vivacious entirety .
20 Well as I 've taped that I taped it at home
21 It looked like half a letter T. The needle was so bent that I knew I knew that I would not be able to remove it in the usual way , so I took my heavy pliers ( the ones with which I behead the Passap/Pfaff needles when they got damaged ) and cut off the top of the needle , below the bend .
22 I was n't completely heart-free during those years ; sometimes I allowed myself to be fooled that I loved someone , but when it came to the point of saying " yes " to anything final there was always the small honest inner voice which jeered " For life ?
23 It is well known that I disliked what was in the first three-year letter of intent , but I wholly approved of the principle .
24 Provided that I mean we 're not talking about rural exceptions being erm appropriate everywhere and anywhere .
25 However , they have asked that I provide you with the draft ( unaudited ) results for the year to 31st October , 19XX in order that you may , if you so wish , reconsider your offer .
26 Not that I wish to say , he wrote , that everything is inevitable , on the contrary , I wish to assert emphatically that nothing is inevitable and nothing was inevitable , neither what I did nor what I thought , neither what I felt nor what I suffered , yet everything was necessary , a necessary beginning and necessary Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) is misleading , since it was only after I had begun that I knew I had begun , while before I had begun , before the 27 July 1967 , there was no beginning , as there was no end , there was no time and there was no freedom from time , only endless cups of coffee , endless cups of tea , endless biscuits and endless bacon sandwiches .
27 When your dad eventually reached you he would have insisted that I marry you . ’
28 At least be flattered that I chose you to tell the truth to . ’
29 It is n't the first time you 've implied that I know something about what 's going on , so how about explaining it to me ? ’
30 None of my previous assistants has ever suggested that I change my style of management , and I can assure you that I have no intention of starting now .
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