Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv prt] again [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Shush , Mamma , ’ Rosa had said , and then Sabina had come in again with the bird — it would make only a bite to eat .
2 But his mind had clouded over again at the wrong moment and now it was too late .
3 Chasing him , she had rapidly lost her bearings in the heavy forest terrain and only by accident had come out again behind the house into the vegetable garden .
4 But wherever they end up , there 's a good chance they 'll be moved on again in the next few weeks — 28 groups have been moved on in the last 18 months and the County Council is moving on another group from Kirtlington , north of Oxford tomorrow .
5 ‘ Why have you turned up again like the bad penny ? ’
6 A far more impressive performance was turned in by Katabatic , who defeated three rivals in the Aintree Chase and may be seen out again before the season ends .
7 Most years it was washed up again on the next or a later tide , but this was of no consequence so long as the Scapegoat had gone .
8 The sun burned into our eyes from high overhead and was reflected up again from the sand .
9 The spectre of reanimated union power was inevitably trotted out again in the Tories ' election campaign .
10 Amy , however , suggested that the matter should be talked out again with the pharmacist , and that other sources of money should be looked for .
11 Saturday at sundown it was sold back again to the Reichmanns .
12 Ca n't tell you how long a journey it was back in the fog from Liverpool that day , and then when we were relegated back again to the third division it was on the last match of the season against Charlton , and the heavens opened and a big thunder storm and it just flooded the pitch and the referee just called the match off and they had to play it again the following Friday and Charlton ran out two-one winners and Walsall finished with nine fit men and still that 's the football I suppose .
13 The town 's ambulancemen had four times just arrived back at their station when they were called out again to the Spa , bringing in contestants with injuries including a black eye , broken nose , concussion and a damaged foot .
14 After he had gone , she chatted with several of the other guests , learned more local history from Margrida , got pinned down again by the Dalgety executive .
15 After his experiences photographing there , he found it very difficult to continue the rather dull life of a colonial portraitist , and soon set off again for the strange and exotic land of Siam .
16 It meant he 'd been laid off again at the stocking factory .
17 The play was subsequently put on again for the public .
18 Outside the rain , which had taken over again from the snow , fell in grey torrents .
19 Many intellectual strands of the Carolingian Renaissance , subsequently dropped , were taken up again in the eleventh and twelfth centuries .
20 These points are taken up again in the second chapter of Kingman , where it is argued that language ‘ expresses identity , enables co-operation , and confers freedom ’ , and that an understanding of language is vital to children 's intellectual , social , personal and aesthetic development .
21 Sentence ( 10 ) tells us of a " weakness " of the " heart " , but not until ( 11 ) , where this matter is taken up again in the expression " the poor child was not robust " , do we learn that it provided a reason for the present interview : it was for this reason ( we surmise ) that the Moreens wished to engage a resident tutor .
22 Trotsky 's analysis of the bureaucracy in the Soviet Union will be taken up again in the following chapter when the issue of the ‘ new class , is considered .
23 But from what he 'd heard it all broke down every year and had to be started up again in the spring , and — ‘ I do n't know , ’ he said .
24 Hereford United next and what they would do for a cup run … come to think of it what they would do for a win … on Saturday United lost out again in the third division … two-one at Cardiff City
25 The idea of being sent out again to the Middle East lost what little charm it had left .
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