Example sentences of "[vb pp] [coord] [vb past] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Screen 3 … but when the same piece of clip-art is used from within Quattro Pro , a map of France appears , which can be moved and resized to suit your purpose
2 The band moved and began to turn its head .
3 She soon realised strength meant nothing in their oily state , and her lithe body twisted and turned to avoid his lunges .
4 She was continually amazed and depressed by the way that the neighbourhood accepted and appeared to respect her mother 's self-erected authority ; none of them did as her mother did , and yet they all deferred to the solidity of her principles .
5 For my part , I pestered , lobbied and cajoled to get my bosses to send me over here .
6 In medieval England what came under pressure were the conventions by which claims to land rights were legitimated ; while some sectors of society were attempting to make written records the prime guarantor of ‘ truth ’ and legitimacy , others were suspicious that such records could easily be forged and preferred to put their faith in seals and in the oral testimony of ‘ twelve good men and true ’ .
7 Both students , they had been well equipped and managed to make their own way off the mountain .
8 The report concluded that the Fayed brothers , Mohamed and Ali , had ( i ) dishonestly misrepresented their background and wealth to the DTI for the purpose of persuading the Department in 1985 not to refer the acquisition to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission ( MMC ) ; ( ii ) used their connection with the Sultan of Brunei to enable them to acquire the funds used in the acquisition ; ( iii ) repeated their lies to their advisers , who had accepted at face value what they were told and failed to check its accuracy ; and ( iv ) misrepresented the extent of their business assets to both the DTI and to the Office of Fair Trading .
9 Guillem , or Guillaume de Cabestanh , or Cabestaing , or Cabestan , had loved the lady of Roussillon , Soremonde , Sermonde , or Marguerite , wife of the seigneur Raymond of Roussillon , who , in a fit of jealous rage , had the troubadour slaughtered and had served his heart to the lady in a dish .
10 She descended to the basement where the boarding cats were housed and began to prepare their breakfast .
11 I once watched a television documentary about St Kilda , during which they interviewed some of the few people living who had been born and had spent their youth on the island .
12 It is through these that people , with the qualities for success , are recognised and encouraged to work their way up the management route from trainee to assistant and deputy to house manager .
13 This rule resulted in only a small minority of married women becoming fully insured and helped to reinforce their financial dependence within marriage .
14 They claim that this learning operates throughout life , and emphasize how early it starts : ‘ the little girl is praised and encouraged to exploit her cuteness .
15 Fortunately he was n't badly hurt and managed to make his way back down the usual approach route into the peaceful , leafy lanes of Wildboarclough .
16 In Jeremy 's case , given the bad weather and the fact that he was lightly clothed and had left his camping gear at the refuge , such a controller would have been likely to mount a search earlier .
17 All showered and managed to dry your own feet ?
18 While working in her kitchen , a woman tripped and fell catching her face on a cupboard .
19 Not lies , the truth — albeit cut and tailored to suit my own purposes .
20 The relationship between all components , at set positions ( or frames ) , can be defined and assembled to check their operation throughout a chosen event .
21 There were a few tears even the obstetrician seemed a bit overcome and kept shaking my hand .
22 He was dressed and had smarmed his hair down with water so generously that the droplets ran down his forehead and soaked into his shirt .
23 It may be that in the past he has been humbled and had to change his thinking .
24 Head teachers and other teachers were surveyed and asked to describe their preparation for , execution of , and follow-up after topic work .
25 Of all the host countries , there is the greatest possibility in Syria , as in 1949 , that the Palestine refugee population could be resettled and persuaded to accept its lot as a permanent part of the host country .
26 One is wet sieved as above , and both the mud and sand fractions dried and weighed to establish their relative proportions .
27 The Home Secretary is in my opinion entitled and bound to reach his own tariff decision , after having regard both to the judges ' tariff and to the factors such as public confidence in the administration of justice which Lord Scarman mentioned .
28 And in 1656 Orontea was given at the archducal court of Innsbruck , where Cesti was already established and had produced his L ‘ Argia ( 1655 ) for the visit of Christina of Sweden .
29 Provided proper procedures are established and followed to ensure their incorporation into the business 's contracts , contracts can be concluded by relatively junior employees whilst the terms can limit or exclude the power of such employees to negotiate or vary the business 's obligations .
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