Example sentences of "[vb pp] [coord] [verb] into [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The HERMS data base is established parallel to the turnkey system graphics data base , providing the necessary information to relate the separate CAD part files together as components are designed and inserted into assemblies .
2 Tasks represent the human contribution to system performance but for purposes of personnel selection , training and allocation , it is necessary for tasks to be separated or combined into jobs .
3 Also , recent research from America shows that compacted rubbish can be easily separated and sorted into plastics , glass , paper and so on for recycling .
4 The traditions about Jesus were collected and formed into books by the Evangelists .
5 The plumed seeds of Dischidia parvifolia ( Asclepiadaceae ) are wind-dispersed but , if they land in the vicinity of ant nests , they are gathered and taken into tunnels , where they germinate and their roots gain access to nutrients in the insect frass .
6 Chat Moss in south Lancashire was finally drained and divided into fields in 1833 .
7 The liquid paints , it was decreed , must first be stabilised and turned into solids .
8 Seventeen year old Sharon Ferns and Kenneth Honer aged twenty six , died when their car overturned and burst into flames early on Friday morning in the village of Berinsfield .
9 Propaganda films from the first years of the Soviet system show enthusiastic crowds , and sometimes , in the background , weeping elderly women , watching the officially sanctioned looting of churches , which were then demolished or turned into granaries or museums of ‘ scientific atheism ’ .
10 As is already known , a high proportion of our samples had died or gone into institutions one year from their referral to the psychogeriatrician .
11 Opportunities are to be maximised and threats either avoided or turned into opportunities ( see Sharplin , 1985 , pp. 54 6 , 190–4. where it is referred to as WOTS-UP analysis ) .
12 ‘ Yet — with your Grace 's permission ? — if this eight hundred marks was paid over no more than a year and a half ago , surely it can not all have been used or turned into goods so soon , ’ he said .
13 Selection of quotations for which entries are needed and sorting into senses by senior staff .
14 50g/2oz apple , peeled and cut into cubes
15 3 slices fresh root ginger , peeled and cut into shreds
16 2 kiwi fruit , peeled and cut into pieces
17 2 medium sized onions peeled and cut into quarters
18 The trackbed within the Avon Valley has already been prepared for the relaying , with the ballast cleaned and put into piles ready for reuse .
19 The swords which had been clubbed or shortened into daggers for want of space to use them , now came into more orthodox play ; and the Welsh archers above on the hills were able to select their targets again without killing their own comrades , and worked with supercilious skill as long as there was light to slay by , and an Englishman still alive .
20 Kibbles filled and raised up the shafts had to be landed and tipped into hoppers .
21 The Rucksack Club was founded in 1902 , originally Manchester based but expanding into branches throughout the country .
22 1,350g/3lb cooked beef , thickly sliced and cut into strips 250ml/10fl oz/1¼ cups teriyaki 4 × 15ml/tbsp sesame or peanut oil 2 red peppers , seeded and cut into strips 2 green peppers , seeded and cut into strips 1 large bunch spring onions , finely chopped 1 × 170g/6oz can black beans 1 × 225g/8oz can water chestnuts , drained 1 × 225g/8oz can bamboo shoots , drained 1 × 400g/14oz can baby corn cobs , drained and halved if necessary lettuce , spring onions and radishes , cut deeply and steeped in cold water to open , to serve
23 People need to be introduced and trained into processes which do not exist in the area .
24 The road through this area has been closed to traffic , and many of the buildings have been restored and turned into restaurants and bars .
25 It is run or racked into casks , made either of wood or metal , sometimes with some ‘ priming ’ sugar and a handful of dry hops : the sugar will encourage a vigorous secondary fermentation in the cask and the hops will add a delightful aroma .
26 When it had been cut and bound into sheaves , Kalchu carried it back to the village and laid it out on racks inside the house until it was dry enough to thresh .
27 The smell of leather permeated the air and at once Emily was back in her father 's storehouse where he had kept mountains of skins ready to be cut and fashioned into boots and shoes .
28 When used it was hammered or battered into sheets ( hence the fact that it is sometimes referred to as ‘ battered brass ’ ) .
29 The pancreata were carefully removed and cut into fragments of 2–5 mg wet weight .
30 Polar deserts are characteristically littered with rock rubble , frost-shattered from bedrock on the spot ( lithosols ) or redistributed , ground and compacted into pavements by glacial action , and re-exposed after the retreat of the ice sheets ( regosols ) .
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