Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] with [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In developing general SVQs , SCOTVEC has consulted widely with industry and with educationalists .
2 Two microscope slides can be placed together with water or oil between them to allow for easy movement across one another , but trying to pull them apart without sliding the surfaces together is very difficult .
3 The two are joined together with clay and the whole unit is heated in the furnace .
4 So the fact that Paste is grouped together with Cut and Copy means that you probably recognise it by association rather than by the picture on the icon !
5 I got a bit carried away with Martha and dallied in the Arran Heritage centre over long — ‘ Everyone wants to know about the past and it is too late . ’
6 But I think people do get carried away with traditions and the occasion and this grand affair and really , it could be a very small low-key affair , but it 's , it 's meant to be a very romantic special day for two people .
7 The last point sounds simple but some organisations do become so carried away with logos and elaborate art work that well over half the area of the printed page is unavailable for typed material .
8 It is not difficult to get carried away with programming and even the casual programmer can easily lose track of time .
9 he was so carried away with Newley that I believe quite unconsciously , Newley crept into Bowie 's voice and , as you know , he 's been accused of copying Tony Newley , but I do n't think he was really aware of what he was doing at that time .
10 Not many miles from the Manchurian border , the Siberian wind gusting the powdered snow round her heels , a suitcase in either hand , one still decorated ludicrously with kettle and saucepan , fur rug over her shoulders , she crunched off into the night .
11 The woman 's past history of mental disorder , family relations and support and medical opinion were all considered both with GP and other referrals in a minimum of 93 per cent of cases .
12 What has not been emphasized , however , is the extent to which , in addition to the clear and close relationships involved , in a system so cluttered both with policies and with agencies there is a very wide range of interaction involved .
13 But she said no I 'd better come tomorrow with Paula as well .
14 D'Alembord was an old friend who had dined frequently with Sharpe and Lucille since they had come to the Netherlands .
15 Since then , various voluntary groups throughout the campus , the UK and abroad have come forward with names and addresses of active alumni , some of whom have been networking enthusiastically for many years outwith the official organisation of either the Graduates Association of the University .
16 Two witnesses have come forward with information that could lead to the killer 's arrest .
17 His face was clenched tight with concentration and lie wrote quoc ngu , the phonetic rendering of Annamese into the roman alphabet , in a large , ungainly hand .
18 That is why within the Evangelical tradition there is the emphasis on the believer being simul justus et peccator , simultaneously made right with God but still sinful .
19 As seen above with need and dare , therefore , it is only when ought is not asserted but conceived as a mere possibility that it can cease to constitute a before-position with respect to the event expressed by the infinitive and be followed by the bare infinitive .
20 ‘ I 'd have liked to have done more with M/M because they 're out on tour now .
21 ‘ News of this latest attack on men , women and children going innocently about their business on a spring saturday will be met everywhere with sorrow and revulsion . ’
22 This was not merely to avoid high costs on difficult engineering problems , but to link as many villages as convenient with a system of transport , something that could only be done previously with wagons or packhorses .
23 The room , twenty two feet long by seventeen feet wide , was to be filled once with gold and twice over with silver within two months .
24 From their views on the intentional and affective fallacies ( Brooks seems to have agreed entirely with Wimsatt and Beardsley about these ) it follows that this reconciliation of opposites must be seen not as an event in the mind of the author or reader , but as an objective fact about the text 's meaning or structure .
25 Would you have got together with Rosalind if you never met Juliet , would you have actually got together with Rosalind ?
26 CHEEKY thieves have got away with money and equipment from the offices of a group set up to tackle crime .
27 I could have got away with murder that Saturday night , although under the present circumstances I had better add that I made no attempt to do so .
28 Daylight colour film ( around 5500 K colour temperature ) can only be used directly with daylight and a substage mirror .
29 Pellets are washed once with ethanol and air dried , then dissolved in water .
30 The show runs to about 600 entries and — giving the lie to the recession in the art trade — is crowded both with visitors and red stickers .
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