Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] if it [is] " in BNC.

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1 This entails , as was pointed out above , that disobedience to a law is justified only if it is justified by an existing legal doctrine to that effect .
2 You will need to have your stake ready well before planting begins because it will have to be prepared properly if it is not to be a waste of time .
3 ( This option only appears if you have Full Menus selected so if it is not in the Options menu first activate Full Menus ) Use Freeze Panes to fix the position of the Split bars .
4 Looking for sherds that will join together is a very time-consuming process , and is only usually done thoroughly if it is suspected that such joins exist and will add significantly to the evidence .
5 All food needs to be stored and prepared carefully if it is to be enjoyed at its best .
6 Hewlett-Packard Co , which has n't said yet if it 's using NT , has Microsoft helping it support HP 's 4mm digital audio tape ( DAT ) drives for backup and archiving : Microsoft Corp will make it an icon on the NT screen .
7 I think it 's they look for the number of stamps used rather if it 's what you
8 Just as zooming should be done only for a good reason , panning is also a camera move which should be used sparingly if it is not to become visually irritating .
9 Indeed , the powers which local authorities have with regard to trees can be exercised only if it is ‘ expedient in the interests of amenity ’ .
10 When dialect is a matter of different words being used , naturally it will be understood only if it is known previously .
11 Such a wide discretion must be exercised fairly if it is to comply with the requirements of natural justice .
12 Some shielding from sum , wind and rain should be provided even if it is just a capping to the board , and the whole fixed on some sheltered wall .
13 This thought can be entertained only if it is accepted that the universe is eternal and timeless , and the theory of a once only chance association of circumstances causing life , be abandoned .
14 My research documents the importance of participative management when change is involved even if it is not necessary for managing the routine .
15 This can be achieved only if it is recognised that research is essential in surgical practice and should be encouraged but , equally , that the person concerned must learn to operate .
16 She , too , places her professional reputation on the line and any criticism of the clinical environment or her style of management needs to be handled tactfully if it is to receive a good hearing .
17 Finally partnership activity will have to be funded adequately if it is to achieve much worthwhile .
18 ‘ This is a terrific resource but it must be managed sensitively if it is to survive . ’
19 In 1990–91 the minimum benefit someone could receive was 50p , however from April 1991 benefit will be paid even if it is less than 50p a week .
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