Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pers pn] for [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We have heard them for some time ; now we see them , red and white on the green of the plains .
2 On the machine build that he 's given me for this year , of which that is an example .
3 One that has plagued me for some while .
4 In addition to securing Commonwealth support for their position , the British sought to consolidate their own aviation policy into some definable form , something which had eluded them for several years .
5 What could be anticipated with confidence was the beneficial results of redistribution , for Unionists had expected them for some time .
6 A GRATEFUL reader who would like to thank her daughter for the surprise of a lifetime has nominated her for this week 's bouquet .
7 I have to say that nothing in my career so far has prepared me for this kind of work .
8 Hast Thou ever seen me for that reason at all dejected ?
9 My little girl Natasha was with a friend at the time and because my mum had n't seen me for some time she was concerned .
10 I had not seen them for some time .
11 Tony 's mother had made them for this occasion , and though recipes vary slightly the end result is a large currant biscuit .
12 I would n't have seen you for another hour .
13 You know when I look vexed , I goes , because I hav n't seen you for few weeks , and he walked away , come are you walking back with us ?
14 Shocking as the assault had been , it had prepared her for another encounter — an encounter with a youth of her own age , bewildered and uneasy , one called to high estate who found himself of a sudden alone on the edge of an abyss …
15 Nothing in our four days on the felucca with this sullen boy had prepared us for this , as nothing could have prepared him for that afternoon in Asyut .
16 Nothing in his many years ' service had prepared him for this sort of situation .
17 Sir Charles , whose practice as a family solicitor in Hertfordshire had not prepared him for this sort of thing , was losing control .
18 Delaunay felt that the basis of his art was ‘ simultaneous ’ contrasts of colour , a concept which he adopted from Chevreul , whose colour theory had interested him for some time .
19 His passionate compression , luxuriant sound , and eclectic mixture of Anglo-Saxon , Latinate , and Celtic diction have made him for many readers both the greatest of Victorians and the first of the moderns .
20 I have n't seen him for many years . ’
21 He was quite categorical ; Passmore was there on Friday evening from about seven until closing time , but he had n't seen him for several weeks before then and he has n't seen him since . ’
22 Police broke in after neighbours had not seen him for several days .
23 She always forgot , when she had not seen him for some time , how he affected her .
24 ‘ I 've not seen him for some time . ’
25 ‘ I have n't seen him for some time . ’
26 She had n't seen him for some years , of course , but she was sure that it was n't like him to be so edgy … so extraordinarily tense and restless .
27 I realised that I had n't visited her for some weeks and agreed to go to her house after school .
28 Well he had n't seen her for many years ?
29 " I have n't seen her for several weeks then she came in about two hours ago — sort of staggered into the kitchen , and she was carrying the kitten in her mouth .
30 She even told them about the nice young man who said he had n't seen her for some time .
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