Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pers pn] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The son of a caretaker who had annoyed them was waylaid by four of them and bludgeoned to death .
2 ‘ Have you forgotten I 'm engaged to your brother ? ’
3 Erm as with many , many parts of the Gospel you 're expected you 're expected to be able to look more deeply than on the surface .
4 Michelle Dixon had claimed she was sacked from the massive Trees Park Village home in Middleton St George near Darlington after expressing concern over allegations of mice and cockroaches on the premises .
5 Matter of fact , I 'd forgotten she was going to be in the bloody country until she turned up .
6 She has valued herself as a beauty , and now that her looks have departed she is left with nothing :
7 Cover the traps with a sack or something similar so that should the ferret emerge and be caught she is protected from the elements .
8 What were you erm what were you s how come you were waiting for Jim tonight ?
9 So how come you were working with gaffer ?
10 But they are the exceptions and it has to be stressed we are looking at the patient in a wider context .
11 She had completely forgotten they were looking for Garry — she had them deep in a holiday romance .
12 Now having been discharged they 're convalescing from surgery with a family in Oxfordshire away from the glare of publicity .
13 The day before F 's death the prisoner who had attacked him was moved into a nearby cell , albeit under continual observation .
14 got that sorted he was speaking to Guy yesterday and apparently if after two days we do n't have certificates then I
15 When barley is harvested it is taken to a maltings where the grains are soaked in water to encourage germination .
16 A man accused of murdering one pub customer and injuring another , has claimed he was acting in self defence .
17 When the hopped wort has been cooled it is run to fermenting vessels where it meets its destiny with yeast .
18 Her husband — there was no glow now — had clearly forgotten he was wed to her ; the link between him and this woman was almost visible .
19 In his view , the revelation of God in Jesus Christ , and the repairing and restoring of fallen human nature brought about through it , were nothing less than a miraculous new beginning , an act of creative divine power , whose discontinuity from what had preceded it was signalled by the double miracle of Jesus ' birth from a virgin and his resurrection from the grave .
20 The western slopes of the Southern Alps are , in effect , an enormous self-perpetuating fault scarp ; as rapidly as material is eroded it is replaced by further uplift and crustal shortening against the Alpine Fault ( see Section 18.2.4 ) .
21 Even then she might have decided not to answer him , or she could have let it be seen by accident before knowing what it was .
22 The government had let it be known on Sept. 30 that it would not now call a general election in 1991 .
23 As the recession deepened [ see below ] , the Hawke government began 1991 some 18 percentage points behind the opposition in opinion polls , raising questions concerning Hawke 's future as leader , particularly as Keating had let it be known at a National Press Club dinner in December that he believed he would make a better Prime Minister than Hawke .
24 In fact there was nothing ‘ reasonable ’ about it , and Bismarck knew this , for at the first whisper of Leopold 's appearance on the scene the French Ambassador had , officially , let it be known to Berlin that this candidacy would never be accepted by Napoleon III .
25 Sir Alan has in the past written about his deep misgivings over intervention and has recently let it be known in the City that he believes the economy is at last showing signs of pronounced slowdown , a view not fully shared by the Treasury .
26 ‘ But the p-powers that be have decided I 'm to go to Jamaica .
27 Whereas if I 'd said I was coming with Kevin it would n't have been .
28 I would if I 'd said I was going to sleep , stay with Hannah
29 And then as we was coming home from Pete 's , a chap stopped us and asked us where was so I told him where was he said I 'm looking for a little black and white house I said it 's right there look !
30 An inquest has revealed she was killed by a faulty , twenty year old machine just a day after she 'd bought it from a relative .
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