Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] some to be " in BNC.

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1 As with Creature Comforts , Lowe Howard-Spink 's work for Tesco , which won the campaign of the year in services , was deemed by some to be beyond its first flush of freshness , but its impact on consumer perceptions continues to impress .
2 Hence it was reluctant to take the unpopular measures deemed by some to be necessary to tackle Britain 's long-term problems .
3 Which brings us to camp , considered by some to be the essence of the homosexual sensibility , by others , both within and without gay culture , as virtually the opposite : the quintessence of an alienated , inadequate sensibility ( above , Chapter 3 ) .
4 Major was perplexed that his niceness should be considered by some to be an electoral disadvantage .
5 This may be considered by some to be an invitation to explore the issue of whether the switching-off is an act or an omission ; for if it is an act , it may be an abetment .
6 Its horns are lyre-shaped and it is considered by some to be the ancestor of the Guernsey .
7 However , the introduction of proposals which structurally divorce the providers of services from wider population considerations , may be considered by some to be a retrograde step and , in practice , may affect the type of care delivered .
8 A typical model , considered by some to be applicable in any communication situation , would take the following form :
9 When presented in this way the proposed merger appears to be based on clear industrial logic , although it was considered by some to be partly a defensive move on the part of the companies involved ( especially Imperial , which was hoping that , by increasing its own size , it would help to reduce the chance of an unwanted takeover from a third party ) .
10 Other candidates proposed have included Nicholas Turner of the British Museum , Andrew Robison of the National Gallery , Washington , Marguerite Stuffmann of the Städelsches Kunstinstitut , Frankfurt ( Goldner 's suggestion to the Met ) , Gandolfi expert Mimi Cazort of the National Gallery of Canada , and Bean 's own assistant curator , William M. Griswold , whose youth is considered by some to be a liability .
11 In the afternoon , visit Sagaing , considered by some to be the living centre of the Buddhist faith in Burma today .
12 Evening primrose oil capsules taken with vitamin B6 or a multivitamin/mineral supplement ( considered by some to be as beneficial as vitamin B6 alone ) may also help alleviate PMS .
13 Certainly pictorial Futurism owed a great deal to Cubism and was even considered by some to be , like Orphism , an off-shoot of it , although its development was exactly the converse of that of Orphism .
14 After the November 1989 general election Shekhar was considered by some to be a candidate for the premiership , despite having had no experience of ministerial office .
15 Hence , reviewing is felt by some to be very much a test of wills .
16 The prospect of handing over total responsibility for the care of the most vulnerable people in society to such local authorities was felt by some to be profoundly disquieting .
17 It is said by some to be more tiring physically than a paid job , by others to be less tiring : some women say it takes a greater emotional toll , others that the drain is less than other work .
18 Instead royal power passed now to Alhred , a representative , according to the Anglian genealogies , of a quite separate line of descent from Ida though the way one annalist observes that Alhred was said by some to be of the lineage of Ida implies that he was regarded by others as an intruder into the kingship ( see Appendix , Fig. 9 ) .
19 But it is worth investing in brand new , state-of-the-art equipment for what is argued by some to be an unhealthy form of cooking ?
20 A swing of 20 per cent to these , if repeated across the country , would produce an Opinion Poll Government , thought by some to be the ultimate embodiment of democratic values .
21 One of his discoveries was originally thought by some to be wrong as no one was able to replicate it for nearly two years ; however , Fleischmann was eventually proved to be correct .
22 The riots in 1981 and 1985 were thought by some to be a product of racial tension .
23 However , even with their aid it is thought by some to be unlikely that the outer Moon could have been melted quickly enough to yield those highland rock samples that have given radiometric ages of about 4300 Ma and older .
24 The plethora of environmentally-sensitive farming schemes dreamed up over recent years is thought by some to be causing more confusion than clarity .
25 That Germany had also provided a comprehensive state insurance for sickness , accident , disability and unemployment for its people from an early date was thought by some to be implicated in that country 's economic success .
26 The Commission accept that both the 1968 and 1978 Theft Acts and the case law on them are thought by some to be " seriously defective " , but the draft Code was a restatement not a Code to reform the substance of the law .
27 Indeed its user interface is judged by some to be better and more logical than AutoCAD 's .
28 Examples here prove that the preferred colour was a striking red , not faded pink believed by some to be the original colour .
29 Further evidence of coral reef bleaching , believed by some to be linked to rising sea temperatures caused by global warming [ see ED 48 ] has emerged from Thailand .
30 Even then it appears to have caused something of a religious furore , being declared by some to be a fake and by others to be the true Shroud .
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