Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] the new [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Seven orders have been received for the new jet which will have a 3,600-mile range .
2 In 1889 the new Midland and Great Northern Joint Railway took over the lines and Melton was further developed as the new Committee 's locomotive building and repair centre .
3 No availability date was given for the new release .
4 For f— 's sake , Morrissey is nothing more than an enormously overrated writer of terminally dull pop songs and now for some obscure reason is regarded as the new rock messiah by every spotty , snot-nosed sixth former in Britain , as well as most of the English music press who should know better .
5 You might be surprised , therefore , and certainly more than a little proud , that we have come through 1992 in remarkably good shape , and are well placed for the New Year .
6 Bearing in mind the fact that my constituents want a reliable and quality service , will he take steps today to confirm that the orders that are placed for the new Networker rolling stock will be supplied in the near future , for the betterment of the north-west Kent commuter ?
7 Bernhard Vogel , a former Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate and brother of Hans-Jochen Vogel , the former chairman of the SPD , was nominated as the new Minister President .
8 Former Irish international Dr Geraldine Barniville from Dublin has been nominated as the new president but it is understood that Ulster 's Billy Bell and Paddy McAuley the outgoing treasurer and secretary will not be standing for election. , It is widely acknowledged that Paddy McIlroy , past president of Ulster , and the outgoing Irish vice-president , made a major contribution in drafting the new constitution and by-laws .
9 One of its five members , Rabbi Eliezer Mizrahi , voted for the new government and another , Rabbi Averham Verdiger , abstained [ see p. 37392 ] .
10 The coming of digital type and computerised typesetting required that all the typefaces owned or licensed by a typesetter manufacturer had to be re-coded for the new systems .
11 Richard Wilcock indicated that he did not wish to be considered for the new Editor position but continued to perform admirably and responsibly until another Editor had been installed .
12 Page 2 of the consultation paper refers to the guidelines that the Government considered for the new council tax .
13 ‘ Would you care to explain to the committee why you are considering the UK in your short list of countries to be considered for the new investment proposals .
14 ‘ But it will definitely be rescheduled for the New Year and fans who have already bought tickets will find they are still valid or they can have their money back if they prefer . ’
16 the Duchess of York was installed as the new Chancellor of Salford University in succession to H.R.H.
17 Lady Thatcher was here to be officially installed as the new Chancellor of the country 's only private university , and she seized upon the chance to promote her views on freedom and education .
18 It was given and , in return , Geoffrey was installed as the new Count of Nantes .
19 The under-fives topic paper suggested that all group provision for under fives should be organised through the new borough Education Department .
20 She greeted their neighbours absentmindedly as she passed them in their yards , her mind occupied with the new argument against the shoes .
21 On performance , LANcache , the disk caching program included with the new version , enables users to cache multiple drives in a single personal computer , and specify different LANcache sizes for MS-DOS and Windows , while the company says it can be configured to use just 10Kb of memory .
22 These documents are included with the new guidance in sections 1 and 4 , and have the same status .
23 The aldermanic principle was carried into the new county councils , and there were other indications that power would not easily be dispersed : ‘ the provisions for decentralisation … were whittled away , and in the end very little was left of the grand scheme of devolution ’ ( Redlich and Hirst 1958:207 ) .
24 For the same reason , no offence is committed under the new law either .
25 During observations of social security appeal tribunal hearings the vast majority of chairs were found to be courteous , sensitive and at pains to be helpful to appellants , reflecting , presumably , the ‘ enabling ’ role that has been stressed under the new regime and the belief expressed by all chairs that hearings were fundamentally ‘ inquisitorial ’ .
26 Unlike many clubs , the RCP judo players are always on show , as anyone who has dropped into the new Cafe Aqua on a club night will see .
27 Suspected torturers are permitted under the new law to continue to interrogate detainees while charges against them are outstanding .
28 Smith advised the manufacturers on how to reduce emissions to better than the 5 per cent permitted under the new Act .
29 The grant-aid earned under the new Regulations was adequate but it was not generous and although class programmes were extended to new centres and programmes expanded in existing branches , the costs of provision also increased and the District required overdraft facilities until 1950 when a small surplus was secured .
30 The photograph shows the first lifeboat boat to be lifted in the new hoist , the Watson class Joseph Soar ( Civil Service No. 34 ) , as part of the proving trials by the contractors , Laings .
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