Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] any of [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Review of the case notes showed that coeliac disease had not been considered in any of these patients and the diagnoses that had been made were not supported by satisfactory evidence .
2 Laura would have approved of their aims , which almost a century later , stood as a beacon for her own philosophy ; they were ‘ to protest against the introduction of any fashion in dress that either deforms the body , impedes movement or injures health … and to promote the adoption according to individual taste and convenience of a style of dress based upon considerations of health , comfort and beauty and to deprecate the constant changes of fashion that can not be recommended on any of these grounds . ’
3 Complexity of structure can be located at any of these points .
4 We have n't looked at any of this ( tax benefits , rights ) since Beveridge ’ .
5 I 've never heard of any of this before .
6 As long as a Unionist MP had to pay his election expenses , or an association chairman to " treat " the party workers , or a constituency delegate to pay his own expenses to a midweek conference , then few working men would ever be selected for any of these posts .
7 The transcript goes on for pages and pages , and not a single word was said about any of those increases being phased in .
8 Specific allegations have never been made against any of these groups .
9 Burton never — to my knowledge — spoke of the early mass of films he had seen with any of that significant affection other actors give to their earliest influences .
10 The symptom of incontinence was broached in the question ‘ Have you ever suffered from any of these health problems ? ’ — a list of 15 problems being shown on a card .
11 The Blue Parrot may be operated in any of these forms .
12 Management techniques can be applied to any of these processes , to serve the overall needs of the organization .
13 While most large Cichlids can be fed on any of these foods , some like the Theraps species , should have a diet that includes vegetable matter such as scalded cabbage and lettuce , or cooked peas .
14 Apart from the removal of the track brakes , few modifications seem to have been made to any of these cars before the 1914–1918 war .
15 She could be matched to any of four performers in the floorshow ; Josie was n't sure why , but it was as if her teenager 's skin and certain odd , somehow held-back elements of her personality made her into a blank sheet onto which anything could be drawn .
16 The hon. Gentleman 's party has not thought about any of those issues .
17 If you ca n't be bothered with any of this palaver , buy a whole fillet of beef .
18 The Strip and Fit also has an integral screwdriver which can be used in any of three positions to fix wires in the terminals of the plug and to replace the outer cover of the plug .
19 As I have said before , I do not believe that a Labour Government would have embarked on any of this .
20 ‘ Forasmuch as the exercise of archery is lawful , laudable , healthful , and innocent and to that end that God 's holy name may not be dishonoured by any of that society , it is agreed … that if any one of them shall that day curse or swear , in the hearing of any of the company … he shall forthwith pay down one shilling … to be distributed by the Captain , to the use of the poor of that place , or township where they shoot . ’
21 On the street , as I unlocked Armstrong , Bunny said : ‘ You never got conned into any of that , did you ? ’
22 The summarising or listing of information extracted from any of these manual systems can be a lengthy procedure .
23 Clare was not fooled by any of this , although Sue certainly was , and Bryony seemed to be coming round .
24 If the argument is sustained in any of these instances , the benefit which the employer has derived from the patented invention is effectively reduced or even negated .
25 Er , we have n't heard from any of those .
26 No statistical difference between responders and non-responders , however , was found for any of these parameters .
27 In North America , in areas where conditions are similar to this country , a survey showed that one per cent of houses were affected by damp , but rot was not found in any of these , and in the few years of experience here none of the faults so far reported are due to this cause .
28 Only the really great champions refuse to be sidetracked by any of these minor problems .
29 And yet when pressed on any of these issues he says , ‘ I do n't want to say anything .
30 It shows that no simple answer can be given to any of these questions , and that the questions , though reasonable , are themselves over-simplified .
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