Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] any [num] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Since the individual estimates within specific tables are subject to errors varying in degree , the estimates given for any one season should be treated with reserve .
2 The exercises , though , are not designed for any one standard just for all those who are committed to improving at whatever level .
3 Under the legal definition of crime , it is in theory possible to determine the number of crimes committed in any one place over a period of time .
4 Brinson had by this stage , therefore , acquired a reputation of not being committed to any one institution , and enquiries pointed to him as a neutral Chairman of the new panel , which he was asked to chair , and by virtue of his chairmanship he also became a member of the Creative and Performing Arts Panel , and then Board .
5 It can be installed on any 68000 family system running OS/9 or 80386 or 80486 system running OS/9000 .
6 This principle is not confined to any one set of living conditions , for where meaning , order and joy are generated , then any environment can be turned into a welcoming home .
7 These are more pervasive influences , not usually confined to any one time , and may be said to define the personal milieu in which the child spends his early years .
8 A comely countenance , with a degree of charm in that useful smile of his that should not be permitted to any one man .
9 If , as this example suggests , partial word strings of more than two words are necessary to guarantee selection of the correct word-string , then the number of alternative partial word strings that has to be considered at any one time will increase correspondingly , particularly when words are hypothesized from a mid-class input .
10 The maximum , I think we 've ever let at any one time is three of the six units , we 're currently down only to one unit there at Alberney .
11 Our interview policy excludes no-one , and our pages have never been dominated by any one style .
12 Let x be the percentage of a region 's constituency seats won by any one party .
13 And then there were personal cap records and the new Championship records for points amassed by any one team .
14 Meetings need not be addressed by any one person although a specific topic can be aired for discussion if the group wishes .
15 Though I have never heard of any one collaboration between restaurateur and artist proving more lucrative than the next , there does not seem to be any shortage of artists who will in effect take on certain risks in order to get their work out on the town .
16 Of course one needs to exercise some common sense about the number of objectives written for any one piece of teaching , but if teaching sessions are seen as part of a series for a given student then objectives can be written for the whole series .
17 The most you can be asked to pay for all that needs to be done during any one course of treatment is £150 .
18 The General Board may dispense any professor from discharging the duties of his office during one term ( i.e. a term of sabbatical leave ) for every six terms of qualifying service , provided that ( i ) qualifying service shall normally accumulate up to a maximum of eighteen terms , from which six terms are deducted whenever a term of leave is granted , and ( ii ) not more than three terms of sabbatical leave shall be granted in any one period of three years .
19 No more than four special permissions may be granted to any one organisation or branch of any organisation in the same year ( subs .
20 The diary tells the children and parents what is required to be done on any one evening .
21 In this task subjects read a passage in which only one word ( Aaronson and Scarborough , 1976 ) , or a small group of words ( Mitchell and Green , 1978 ) , are presented at any one time .
22 However , the market is not very active , with typically only 0.2% of outstanding bonds being lent at any one time .
23 There are systems in research laboratories which approach this goal but increasing the number of speakers who can be recognised reduces the number of words that can be accepted at any one time .
24 The view of the Pleiades is much more breathtaking with my 7 × 50 binoculars than with the lowest power I can use on my large reflector , because the small field of view with the telescope means that only a small part of the cluster can be seen at any one time .
25 A window lets you control the information that can be seen at any one time .
26 erm Magistrates only send people to prison because they feel the circumstances of the case justify it and erm I think in the public mind erm the criticism is more often the reverse , that Magistrates are too soft , and I 've heard Lord Hailsham say more than once that if we do pay a price for the lay magistrate system it is leniency because what happens , and the difference between the lay magistrate system and the stipendiary system or the Crown Court system is that Magistrates do sit in threes , and what that tends to do is lead to compromises in sentence because discussion between three people irons out extreme views and you do tend to end up with a very well considered compromise view , which probably does tend to be more lenient than a sentence imposed by any one person who might himself take a very serious view of the circumstances .
27 And I would urge all intending applicants to give very serious thought to what sort of person they are , to what their real academics interests are , and to what sort of institution they want to attend , and to recognise at the outset that that can not be gleaned from any one compendium or any one adviser .
28 Where too few examples of an artist 's work were sold in any one year , the calculations have been based on a series of overlapping pairs of years .
29 up to £10 million can be drawn on any one day by giving notice by 12 noon , higher amounts by arrangement
30 This was coupled with a move towards the manufacture of increasingly complex parts , requiring geometrically more demanding cuts and an increase in the number of cuts of different types to be performed on any one piece .
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