Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] other [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 At first it was included with other Shorthorns in the Coates herdbook from its inception in 1822 , but in 1896 the Lincoln became separate and established its own Lincoln Red herdbook .
2 Subsidiarity is also being dropped in other areas in favour of ‘ parallelism ’ — a more frank admission of the need and desire to centralise power :
3 The City differed from other towns in two major respects : first the division of the membership of most companies into the ‘ livery ’ , who controlled them , and the ‘ yeomanry ’ , and secondly the distinction between the great companies and the lesser ones .
4 Clara Collet , by her own admission , differed from other observers in her belief that the number of ‘ hard cases ’ was small , accounting for perhaps 10 to 20 per cent of the total in her experience .
5 This tank increased the London 's range from 1,740 to 2,600 miles and after the cruise ended , was left on the ‘ boats concerned as well as being added to other machines in order to increase patrol range in the event of war .
6 It was no doubt less advanced in its industrial organisation than Lancashire , where the last of the surviving handloom weavers were absorbed into other employment in the 1850s , but it would be unrealistic to claim that it was not industrial .
7 Here I want to point out — as I have done with other features in the feminist profile — how difficult it is to identify the linguistic correlates of competition and cooperation .
8 This same observation can be applied to other ways in which we are describing ourselves .
9 Most of the animals seized have been transferred to other farms in Gloucestershire where many have fully recovered .
10 He said that from 1991–1992 there were only five times when intensive care patients had to be transferred to other hospitals in the region , but in April and May this year alone there had been five cases .
11 The patients on Beeson Ward will be transferred to other hospitals in the next few weeks .
12 Clearly , the existence of timber decay is likely to be related to other shortcomings in the condition of the building and these faults may require rectification in addition to treatment of the timber .
13 He is not really a man related to other men in natural affinity or community : he is atomised man , human society pared down to a single individual .
14 They can be moved to other projects in these intervals , improving departmental productivity .
15 When compared with rates levied on other houses in the road , this would indicate only a modest establishment .
16 Their output will be absorbed at other factories in the group , which spreads through Somerset , Wiltshire , and Northampton .
17 In the context of international bond markets , such difficulties are of particular importance given the efforts at deregulation made by other centres in recent years , which could attract euromarket intermediaries to the relevant financial centres .
18 In the weeks following her arrest Jacqueline Droully was seen by other prisoners in secret detention centres run by the Directorate of National Intelligence ( DINA ) , the security police at the time .
19 Experience suggests that the use of project numbers or names for module names should be avoided , as this may lead to confusion if the module is used for other projects in the future .
20 As for the evolutionary precursors of the system , both hydrogen peroxide and various kinds of quinones are used for other purposes in body chemistry .
21 Simply by putting relatively isolated community groups together Highlander is able to convey a sense of purpose to these groups which springs from the confidence gained by the realisation that their problems are not confined to themselves , nor in most cases caused by any deficiency or fault of their own , but are rather due to outside forces of oppression which are also being used against other people in other communities .
22 One point worth mentioning is that the carrying system may be completely detached from the sack and used with other sacks in the range which are available separately without the back system .
23 It had to be , he had to do something or they would never have er got In other ways in was a lenient school because as the years went by it was , a register was called , a teacher er opened a book and we called numbers .
24 About half of them went to British colonies , mainly to the sugar islands , and the rest were sold in other colonies in the Americas .
25 The retention ratio system ensured that a large proportion of these receipts remained in these two republics , either to be used directly by the exporting enterprises or to be sold to other enterprises in the same republic .
26 At the point at which there is a creative idea , with someone with vision behind it willing to persist , it still has to be sold to other people in the organization in order to get implemented .
27 By the 1580s Lythe 's survey was being copied by other artists in simplified form and after 1590 the substance of it began to appear in print .
28 The participatory nature of the project has since been copied by other groups in different parts of the USA and many of the original participants have helped to encourage and train new people in other areas of their own states to find out more about ownership patterns in their home areas Highlander has responded to calls from other groups , and has acted as a clearing house for information and to make connections between interested parties .
29 It is a particularly successful version compared with those produced by other pupils in the group who were set the task .
30 It was a theme reiterated by other mothers in the study :
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