Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] them the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If taken to extremes , such policies carried within them the potential to precipitate a catastrophic decline into hyperinflation .
2 At a very early age the Spencer children had impressed upon them the value of good manners , honesty and accepting people for what they are , not for their position in life .
3 The children must have impressed upon them the need for personal cooperation within the classroom as essential to the variety of learning situations with which they will be faced .
4 After , after er er I 've done with them the travel head lad takes over , he does all the ol the tra the race course , you know .
5 Okay you 've talked to them the phone right and you 're gon na go and sign them up .
6 André Gide 's Les Fauxmonnayeurs ( 1926 ) , a novel characterized by self-reflexivity and self-consciousness , in which the device of mise en abyme ( or internal duplication ) is especially conspicuous , has perhaps not received from them the kind of attention that could be expected .
7 The sharpest contrast is with migrants who have brought with them the expectation that sons will bring their wives into the homes of their parents , where in some sense the wives will be under the authority of their mothers-in-law .
8 My senior staff have already addressed a meeting of Citizens Advice representatives in Edinburgh and explained to them the Council Tax legislation .
9 Beforehand he met a number of local farmers and discussed with them the problems that CAP , GATT and subsidies pose for agriculture in this country .
10 Menelik accepted this and signed with them the Treaty of Uccialli .
11 To cancel unc to its lowest terms : Notice we neatly cross out the 18 and 27 and put above them the number of times 9 goes in to each .
12 When the dawn came , anxious viewers on the shore could see that the waves had taken with them the Eddystone lighthouse , its eccentric architect and five other unfortunate souls .
13 They were still prisoners of the attraction which , under the guise of antipathy , had arced between them the moment Nathan had entered the Customs office .
14 And had he not , with the utmost delicacy , nurtured in them the impression that they and not he were in control of events ?
15 The children are in role as the townspeople of Nazareth ; out of role the teacher has established with them the nature of their work , their commitment to their land , families and places of work .
16 There was a general view that all women held within them the potential to become hysterical ; from ‘ nervous ’ to ‘ hysteric ’ to insane was a sliding scale , and all women were positioned somewhere upon it .
17 He had mentioned to them the possibility of a deal and even the likelihood of profit , and proposed that one of the laundress 's sons come with a ladder and pick the tree clean this autumn , before the mulberries matured to that soft ripeness that threatened any laundry hanging near .
18 The tRNA molecules with the anticodon CCG also have attached to them the amino acid glycine .
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