Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [pers pn] and [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Advanced Computing Environment lives on , sort of , or if it is dead , NEC Electronics Inc has not heard about it and the Japanese company 's contribution to the festivities at Comdex/Spring in Atlanta is the launch of a new reduced instruction set computing chip set , the MCT-DP/MCT-ADR designed to facilitate development of high-performance systems based on the R-series architecture .
2 The Advanced Computing Environment lives on , sort of , or if it is dead , NEC Electronics Inc has not heard about it and the Japanese company 's contribution to the festivities at Comdex/Spring in Atlanta is the launch of a new reduced instruction set computing chip set , the MCT-DP/MCT-ADR designed to facilitate development of high-performance systems based on the R-series architecture .
3 In a crash , you could not hold on to your baby , or she might be crushed between you and the dashboard or seat .
4 The well-tested welfare organisation swung into gear , as the Welfare Officer once again climbed into her car to go and speak to the wife and assure her that temporary accommodation had been arranged for her and the family , and that the move from one house to another would be made as smooth as possible .
5 This complete , the body was further wrapped in fine velvet , a sheet of linen having first been placed between it and the cerecloth to stop staining of the finer fabric , and tied with silk cord .
6 Cos there 's some , they used to be carrying timber down the dock all one length and what already slung , already stacked for 'em and the way it cost , the way it go put the wires on me for sure now and there ai n't much to let now .
7 She could n't bear the rift that had come between her and the aunt who had always understood and helped her ; who had so many times stood between her and her mother as faithful friend wanting the best for them both and who was now so alienated from her .
8 Almost , but not quite , she had come between him and the work he had had to do in New York City .
9 Unlike some MPs he has n't let his duties as a minister come between him and the people who elected him .
10 ‘ This is something we opposed since day one , but the majority voted for it and the majority has to prevail .
11 Still on Highway 15 , the only road through Nevada , we cut a swathe to the Mammon City located between us and the High Altar .
12 Its vision for society is that of a reconstituted pre-industrial kind of community in which everyone knows who they are , what is expected of them and the kind of values by which they are to live .
13 First , just two appear at the front end as distinct blocks of tissue and then , about each hour , another pair are added behind them and a wave of formation proceeds backwards so that at the end of a few days there are 46 somites .
14 The less the intelligence of a creature , the more instinctive are the behavioural patterns programmed into it and the less it possesses the capacity to learn from experience .
15 William Barr , the trainer , departed with him and the new secretary-manager got John Chaplin , his former trainer at Leeds , to come from Bristol Rovers .
16 And that video can be obtained from Tavistock Church , in Tavistock Place it costs twelve pound fifty , with one pound fifty postage erm , but I think that it has been recommended to us and a number of the provinces have asked for copies to be made available and then maybe there are some churches within our provence that might like to have that video so that they can draw the attention of their churches to the work of the Council for World Mission .
17 And one of these old chaps said , ‘ Bloody hell , he 's had a 50-ton bomb dropped on him and the bugger 's still alive ! ’
18 HRH The Princess Royal has accepted the invitation of the Western Section to attend a seminar ‘ Transport for Sustainable and Green Tourism ’ organised by them and the Tourism Society .
19 Something lowered over him like glass , something seemed to be positioned between him and the world .
20 Mabbott 's reputation as a Leveller , which rests solely on the association which has been made between him and the radical newsbook , the Moderate , has been called into question .
21 The seventh prayer in the long version concerns the suffering before Annas , Caiaphas , Pilate and Herod , but more especially the moment when Christ looks at Peter after he has denied him ( Luke 22:55 — 62 ) : The short version , typically , focuses more sharply , concentrating only on the episode with Peter so that there is an identification made between him and the meditator and , by implication , all men who by their natures inevitably betray Christ : The Longleat version of this subject shows by comparison how much less effective than either of the others it is .
22 I thought about how I 'd walked around all those weeks and what I 'd felt about him and the crazy things I had found myself believing .
23 But little Sylvia had no thoughts of money ; she was delighted with the cake and jelly and with the child-sized table and chair her father had made for her and the knitted doll from her mother .
24 ‘ Friends close to me probably saw what was written about me and the criticism I took from every angle .
25 It was the birthplace as you soon find out of Marshal Foch , supreme commander on the western front in the later stages of the First World War , who has here an equestrian statue , a main street named after him and a small museum in the house where he was born in 1851 .
26 For Owen the resolution of the conflicting pressures and the demands made of him and the unit staff takes place through an education philosophy that reconciles the interests of the child , the school and the LEA .
27 The respondent was informed in the early hours of 17 August 1987 that complaint had been made against him and a report was made to New Scotland Yard .
28 Through the help of this " friend " the sufferers dealt with the unpleasant feelings associated with the disappointments , disasters and challenges of life and now this " friend " has turned against them and the feelings have to be processed .
29 Happiness is an emotional response that has become built into us and the horse for doing the right thing biologically .
30 One reason may be they way the information is presented to them and the way the offer is made .
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