Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 About 60 per cent of self-poisoners take psychotropic drugs that have been prescribed for them in their overdoses ( Hawton et al. 1977 ) .
2 Most media professionals appear to know what is expected of them in their various organisations , each of which has different political backers , and the media product tends to be created accordingly .
3 They found a wooden bench seat in a corner and squeezed into it with their drinks — Edward had a pint of bitter and Sally a Babycham in a pretty glass decorated with a dancing fawn in a blue neck-bow .
4 Today 's senior citizens may complain that they do not receive the respect or consideration that was expected from them by their parents , but most of them welcome the far more open and equal relationship which exist between them and their adult children .
5 Candidates must now set up personal machines manned by workers attracted to them by their individual qualities and stands on the issues with little or no reference to party loyalty .
6 ‘ So the folk of the village capitalized on this gift from the gods , that had come to them in their darkest hour .
7 They were free to raise funds elsewhere if they could , and one at least got a substantial sum from a local authority which would not have supported a project of that nature if it had not come to them from their own school children .
8 " Who exactly are the slant-eyed oriental gentlemen who 've come among us in their gaudy silk dressing gowns and funny hats ? "
9 How she had looked at him on their wedding day — as if he were a god !
10 A compositor is employed as a compositor ; a machine-minder ( printer ) likewise has to keep to his own job ; the print union is a strong one — and very jealously guard the many gains won by them for their members .
11 ‘ has liberated English public law from the fetters that the courts had theretofore imposed upon themselves so far as determinations of inferior courts and statutory tribunals were concerned , by drawing esoteric distinctions between errors of law committed by such tribunals that went to their jurisdiction , and errors of law committed by them within their jurisdiction .
12 ‘ has liberated English public law from the fetters that the courts had theretofore imposed upon themselves so far as determinations of inferior courts and statutory tribunals were concerned , by drawing esoteric distinctions between errors of law committed by such tribunals that went to their jurisdiction , and errors of law committed by them within their jurisdiction .
13 He is also puzzled by the fact that the Smyrna and Georgetown plants both have a pool of job applicants selected for them by their state governments before they make the final choice .
14 No material is given about their activities as Mufti , and no anecdotes are related about them in their capacity as Mufti , though something is related about each in his capacity as kadi .
15 When they did enough to earn wages , they were allowed to keep or spend half , the other half being saved for them on their release .
16 This greatly strengthens the Prime Minister 's ability to argue against proposals put forward by departmental ministers who are forced to rely almost entirely on the briefs prepared for them by their departmental civil servants .
17 The grooms on the train were all younger , thinner and from what I 'd seen of them in their uniform T-shirts less positive .
18 Even where it was possible to draw up useful statistics , local officials were reluctant to forward information which might increase the demands made upon them by their superiors in St Petersburg .
19 The old tight links between banks and firms related to them in their industrial groups have gone .
20 It is almost as if they were lent to us for their infancy and formative years , and are then entirely free to go their own way .
21 This list contains all the dichotomies , either explicit or implicit , in comments the physics students made to me about their discipline .
22 In fairness to the mother he should have directed that she be given notice of the foster mother 's application ; had he done so he would have learned — as we have learned from the mother 's statement which clearly should be admitted in evidence before us for this purpose at least — that if the matters to which she spoke were correct ( viz. the foster mother 's preventing her having access to and contact with the children , and allegations which she says the children made to her of their physical and emotional abuse by the foster mother and other members of her ‘ family ’ ) , then the mother 's wishes and feelings were not lightly to be ignored .
23 Honesty and courtesy were to be their guides when phoning potential customers , with no misleading statements , exaggerations or partial truths , and no unsolicited calls made to them at their place of work .
24 Early Christian popular ascetic literature abounds with stories of women who reject the fiancés imposed on them by their families , and even reject their husbands .
25 All these , if examined carefully , show in their arrangements of streets or patterns of roads the impact imposed on them by their ‘ planning lords ’ .
26 None of this meant that diplomats were well paid , if the financial demands still often made on them by their position are considered .
27 judges enjoy an almost complete immunity in respect of acts — even corrupt and malicious acts , happily rare in our history — done by them in their judicial capacity .
28 An international organisation , for example the United Nations , is a third party to its constitutive treaty , and its officials are third party beneficiaries of the privileges and immunities49 accepted by it on their behalf .
29 He reflected that , after all , it was the attitude he would wish to see adopted by her with their own servants , when they should have them ; and handed her into the jeweller 's .
30 At one level , therefore , the English Reformation was undoubtedly ‘ an act of state ’ , or perhaps more accurately acts of state — a series of changes initiated by monarchs and imposed by them upon their subjects .
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