Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [art] world [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Cap Gemini Sogeti SA 's ITMI artificial intelligence systems company has teamed up with vision systems specialist Cognex Corp to offer a joint package to customers : Cognex has nearly 12,000 vision systems installed around the world and a wide library of software tools ; ITMI has installed around 150 systems for big European manufacturers .
2 The three volcanoes concerned are about as widely scattered around the world as possible — Vesuvius in the Mediterranean , Krakatoa in Indonesia , and Mt Pelee in the Caribbean .
3 Disability arts , on the other hand , where , for example , sculpture is designed to be touched as well as seen , and songs are written about the world as we see it , can redress the balance and engage a lot of people in questioning assumptions that their exclusion from society is a fact of life .
4 tt right , yeah , incomes have risen throughout the world and that impacts both on the demand for agricultural products and also the demand for manufactured products but what do we know about demand elasticities for those two products , income elasticities what 's the income elasticity of manufactured goods ?
5 Still , even these , to whatever extent they are not merely believed in , but have come to be actually felt in the world as we experience it , will thereby have their place in the real fabric of the world , which must certainly include all personal or socially shared versions of it .
6 Those who have had facts imparted to them effectively will pass the tests and those who have not will fail to pass the tests , and when the lists are read out on Speech Day the incompetence of the bad fact-imparters will be revealed to the world and this will act as a goad and make them impart their facts better in future … . ’
7 In 1935 Louis Aragon proudly proclaimed to the world that his encounter with communism and the revolutionary society of the Soviet Union had transformed him into an entirely new man , had rejuvenated him , re-educated him , and in the process cured him of the social disease of his bourgeois class origins .
8 The point will be made to the world that Mexico stands as a nation for the principle that a healthy environment is essential for the common future of humanity , with particular stress on the quality of life our children will inherit .
9 The other channel will draw on TV programmes transmitted around the world and will be financed entirely from licence fees , which will have to increase as a result .
10 Among lovers of early music , however , it is recognized throughout the world that there is not just a choral tradition in England but also ( to quote a French reviewer ) a nouvelle école anglaise de chant .
11 It is more likely that the eventual , inevitable success of HDTV will owe more to the power of huge marketing campaigns which will soon be waged throughout the world than to any urgent need among consumers .
12 Grant 's responsibilities at John Dickinson provided him with a wide knowledge of the paper manufacturing processes used throughout the world and the way in which they were being improved .
13 I read to him sentences from the Report such as : ‘ Schools have the clear responsibility to ensure that all children have full access to Standard English , given its role as an international language used throughout the world and essential for many purposes . ’
14 Yet it remains important to take on board the intentions behind that approach : the global vision , the search for harmony , and the emphasis upon fairness to all religions , has never more been needed in the world than today .
15 Last year more than 12 million Z80 chips were sold around the world and incorporated into computers , telecommunications equipment and peripherals .
16 Headship and submission are caricatured by the world as authoritarian and being a doormat .
17 THE 6th LORD BYRON , born in 1788 , is recognised throughout the world as being one of Britain 's most remarkable and influential poets .
18 With this , hundreds of solutions are being kicked round the world and that 's why I like it . ’
19 Himself a creature of translation , in Salman Rushdie 's sense of having been borne across the world and across cultures , Ghose is among the Indo-Anglian writers of the diaspora whose work chronicles 20th-century displacement and migration.hThis novel , his eleventh , is a complex , fragmentary and at times obscure exploration of the relationship between memory and identity , and the fractures wrought in both by expatriation .
20 Then I thought of St Antony , so horrified by the world that he fled to the desert , and of the faces of the saints at St Paul 's staring down from the dome , haunted by demons .
21 DNA is cocooned in protein , swaddled in membranes , shielded from the world and invisible to natural selection .
22 The totems of American Indians , the carvings of Inouk , ancient bronze ritual vessels from China , and many more examples can be found through the world and the centuries .
23 The enterprise which had begun to take off in Napoleonic Paris had undoubtedly made enormous progress ; far more was known about the world than had been a generation or two earlier .
24 Both RLS and the bridge are known throughout the world and are in no way local phenomena .
25 She continued the service in the well-known words , asking for the baby to be protected against the world and against wickedness .
26 Concerning the universality of sin and its consequences , in the fifth chapter of Romans he wrote ‘ As by ONE man sin entered into the world and death by sin ’ ( v.12 ) ‘ death reigned from ADAM to Moses ’ ( v.14 ) ‘ through the offence of ONE many be dead ’ ( v.15 ) ‘ by the offence of ONE , judgment came upon all men to condemnation . ’ ( v.18 ) .
27 He said : ‘ The babies are sold on and shipped round the world as soon as they are weaned from their mothers at about a year or 18 months .
28 The rival genius of Picasso has proved to the world that our age may be epitomized by works which ( show ) his unfailing sense of visual drama , his protean invention and his power of investing his creations with a hallucinatory poetry .
29 Now that Windows has proved to the world that massive files are OK ( yah ! ) you 've as much chance of being able to save a decent sized word-processed document onto a 1.44MB floppy as Madonna has of becoming a nun .
30 It 's a very striking book because while on the one hand he admires the Bolsheviks very greatly for the hope that they have given to man , for the feeling that they have given to the world that new potentialities are there to be realized if only we had enough courage , yet on the other hand , even at that point , he was acutely conscious that the Bolsheviks ' attitude towards the equality of power was leading them in a fatal direction , and long before Stalinism began to take shape , he described in advance what he expected to come .
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