Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [prep] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Chapter 7 shows how the " stock " of a school library can be added to via access to Prestel and how use of Prestel in turn increases the use of resources in the school .
2 The reasonable conclusion is that one and the same thing is ‘ called a sensation when considered merely in itself , and a quality when looked at in relation to any one of the numerous objects , the presence of which to our organs excites in our minds that among various other sensations or feelings .
3 for clarity is that the actual projected requirements , as a series of projections produced by County Council are for four thousand three hundred households , and a projected requirement for three thousand three hundred dwellings , well quite clearly if the City of York itself can not accommodate the requirement generated from in that city , then it must be looked at in relation to the whole of the Greater York area , and the projections of the Greater York area do take into account the er the figures generated from within the City of York , therefore , yes , they are included within the Greater York figure .
4 The discharge of the basic obligations under the contract , relating to delivery , passing of risk and property , and payment , are partly a matter for negotiation between the parties ( although the SGA provides guidelines ) but must also be looked at in relation to s 3 of the UCTA , with its restrictions on clauses excluding liability for breach .
5 One other possible area of danger is that of good facsimiles , which are more likely to be met with from time to time than competent forgeries .
6 For the sake of completeness it may be added that the tenor tuba ( euphonium ) is sometimes to be met with in addition to the ordinary bass tuba ( e.g. Strauss ‘ s Heldenleben and Don Quixote , and Holst 's Planets ) .
7 Encina modules are priced at between $400 to $1,800 for low end RS/6000 machines and reaching to $3,200 — $14,000 at the high end .
8 The new products are priced at from $17,800 to $128,000 including software , and shipment dates are from late this month to early September .
9 The 6700 deskside , with more expansion features , is priced at from £18,000 to £53,100 configured with twin 27″ monitors and Edge 2+ graphics .
10 The 6700 deskside , with more expansion features , is priced at from £18,000 to £53,100 configured with twin 27″ monitors and Edge 2+ graphics .
11 Motorola Inc hopes to capture a broad market for the PowerPC processor by pricing the first versions well below Intel Corp 's fastest microprocessors , US PC Week reports : preliminary pricing for the PowerPC , due in volume in the third quarter , has been listed at $280 for the 50MHz 601 and $374 for the 66MHz version of the chip in quantities of 20,000 or more , according to sources familiar with Motorola 's plans — significantly below the Pentium and the 66MHz 80486DX2 , although the Pentium will outperform the PowerPC chips ; systems that use the PowerPC are expected to be priced at from $3,000 to $4,000 .
12 ‘ For the first time , in Objective 1 areas , measures are being talked about in relation to health and education , ’ he said .
13 ‘ For the first time , Objective 1 measures are being talked about in relation to health and education , ’ Claridge said .
14 Hart in his book Law , Liberty and Morality ( 1963 ) argued that the law was not and ought not to be a tool for ‘ the enforcement of morals ’ , in particular in the field of sexual morals , where the activities condemned may ‘ involve nothing that would ordinarily be thought of as harm to other persons ’ .
15 Whatsoever of thought or feeling came to him from England , or by way of English culture , his mind stood armed against in obedience to a password , and of the world that lay beyond England he knew only the Foreign Legion of France in which he spoke of serving .
16 It is configured with from 2Mb to 4Mb RAM and 60Mb to 120Mb disk .
17 This was the conclusion of the House of Lords in May & butcher v. R. ( 1934 ) where an agreement for the purchase of government tentage provided that the price , the manner of delivery and dates of payment were to be agreed upon from time to time .
18 The programme is structured in such a way that on-going evaluation is simple and results can be reflected on from time to time by the Family Development Nurse and Community Mother so that the monthly visit to the family which is the main focus of the programme for achieving goals can be adapted to each family 's level and the issues that are discussed are relevant , nonjudgemental , and supportive of the parents ' own ideas and recognises the parents ' desire to do what is best for their children .
19 Four of these , all of 30–40 acres , had been allowed to go out of cultivation and the houses left desolate ; owned by four different people , they were valued at from 8d. to 1s. per acre .
20 Spencer 's argument has been banded about from time to time .
21 Held , dismissing the appeal , that the liability imposed under section 1(1) of the Act of 1978 was intended by Parliament , by virtue of section 6(1) of the Act , to enable claims for contribution to be made as between parties who had no claim for contribution under the general law , and applied whenever a plaintiff had a cause of action against a third party in respect of the same damage as gave rise to his cause of action against the defendant , irrespective of the legal basis of the liability ; and that , accordingly , the defence of ex turpi causa non oritur actio could not be relied upon in answer to a claim for contribution under the Act ; and that , since there was sufficient possibility of the third party being found liable for some part of the plaintiffs ' loss , there were no grounds for striking out the third party notice ( post , pp. 1022H — 1023A , G–H , 1024G — 1025D ) .
22 What seems to have occurred is that the texts of the previous generation have been disposed of in preference to any others .
23 When demand and supply are spoken of in relation to one another , it is of course necessary that the markets to which they refer should be the same .
24 Even if such a sweeping conclusion is not warranted , retributivists should be strongly critical of many aspects of our penal system , not least the lack of consistency in sentencing practices ( see Chapter 4 ) which means that offenders are to a great extent not dealt with in proportion to their just deserts .
25 The diversity of munition products is exemplified by , on the one hand , the gun and aperture sights for the American Lewis guns , high precision work ( they had to be correct to less than a thousandth part of an inch ) of which 27 , 900 were produced , and on the other hand the unpacking and assembly of the American-manufactured Mercer and Hyster Mobile Cranes , 169 of the former and 207 of the latter being dealt with in addition to 37 Elwell Parker Lift Trucks .
26 In contrast , the construction industry is centred locally and will be dealt with in relation to a discussion of land , as will retailing .
27 Machinery management strategies will be dealt with in relation to limited access to land , water , labour and/or capital .
28 By re-amended notice of appeal dated 30 August 1991 the defendants sought an order to set aside or vary the judge 's order or to order a retrial and sought leave to adduce fresh evidence on the grounds , inter alia , ( 1 ) that the judge had erred in law in failing to take into account ( a ) the lack of a penal notice on the order which it was claimed that the appellants had breached ; and ( b ) the plaintiff 's delay of 18 months in applying for the committal order ; ( 2 ) that the judge 's decision was arrived at without regard to fresh evidence which the defendants had obtained since the hearing , part of which related to matters subsequent to the hearing and the remainder of which could not have been obtained with reasonable diligence ; which , if given , would probably have had an important influence on the result , which was credible and which should , therefore , be admitted ; ( 3 ) that , alternatively , the court should exercise its discretion to admit the fresh evidence as the liberty of the defendants was at risk ; and ( 4 ) that the sentence imposed was excessive .
29 That meaning , in our judgment , is not to be arrived at by reference to the more limited and technical interpretations given to these words in the context of the law of master and servant , as in Mersey Docks and Harbour Board v. Coggins & Griffith ( Liverpool ) Ltd. [ 1947 ] A.C. 1 , or in the context of pensions and National Insurance law , as in Ready Mixed Concrete ( South East ) Ltd. v. Minister of Pensions and National Insurance [ 1968 ] 2 Q.B .
30 The determination or disposal is treated as a transfer of value by the beneficiary and the rate of tax payable is arrived at by reference to the total of it and any previous chargeable transfers by him unless the determination or disposal took place before 10/12/74 when , in implement of the undertaking in the White Paper ( Cmnd 5705 ) that in these circumstances any tax chargeable would be no greater than that which would be due if the trust were an individual who had made chargeable gifts equal to the capital becoming chargeable , the rate is arrived at by reference solely to the total of the determinations or disposals which have taken place in the trust since 25/3/74 , if by so doing the amount of tax payable would be reduced .
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