Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [be] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The LSE guitars are designed to be stage-usable straight out of the box , and so feature cutaways and undersaddle pickups as standard .
2 The publications will be further enhanced , and we have started work on the preparation of an experts systems version of the guidelines themselves , which is expected to be ready early in the new year .
3 Sometimes it appears to be little more than this , as in the case of the temporary vogue for ‘ Occitania ’ in France in the 1970s , the shift of a number of able intellectuals of the Left to Scottish nationalism in the same decade and the preoccupation with what was claimed to be Valencian national identity in the early 1980s among left intellectuals of the Spanish Levante .
4 This does not mean , incidentally , that we have to accept that ( Ex ) Fx can be meaningfully claimed to be true irrespective of the possibility of knowledge .
5 Moreover , since all unproductive consumption is considered to be capitalist personal consumption , the question of the unproductive consumption of the state does not arise in his discussion at that point .
6 Keeping information up to date was considered to be difficult due to the increasing number of information sources , and the fact that only certain sections of documents might be superseded by new information .
7 Because erm , the urban sector is normally considered to be capital intensive a sector , and the rural area in L D Cs are considered more labour intensive , and so erm , obviously when you get an influx of labour , and changes to the capital to labour ratio
8 Those are considered to be high-end personal computers and single-user systems .
9 There was reported to be strong personal rivalry between Demirel and Özal , who had been Demirel 's economic adviser in 1979-80 before acting as an adviser to the military regime of 1980-82 and founding the ANAP in 1983 .
10 It has five other Chinese partners , two local software companies and three hardware firms reported to be independent capitalist concerns .
11 Fifty-one Vietnamese deported from Hong Kong earlier this month were the first of 3,600 deemed to be illegal economic migrants , after they had failed screening tests by the UN High Commission for Refugees .
12 Article 6 has never been implemented and it is highly unlikely that it would be used in this way , especially as the consequence would be to release the offending State from those Charter principles that were not deemed to be customary international law .
13 That a decision can be suspected to be counter productive is a cause for attention .
14 The Ardakkeans were said to be superhumanly strong and invulnerable to most life-threats .
15 A quadratic form unc and the matrix A within f , are said to be positive definite ( pos. def. ) if unc for all real , non-null vectors x .
16 Bookings were reportedly around a billion dollars and were said to be continuing strong .
17 I think that in the nineteen nineties , there is agreement that some reform is need is needed that there should be a better balance between the different groups at conference , and that decision making in the parties should be seen to be democratic open and based on one person one vote .
18 Christopher Gill ( Member for Ludlow and a Midlands businessman ) , as has been mentioned in Chapter 6 , has concerned himself for a long time with what were once seen to be obscure constitutional issues of subsidiarity .
19 The court held that for the application of the rule to have been lawful it would have had to be justifiable irrespective of race or ethnic or national origins .
20 you 've got to be practical right
21 I do think we 've just got to be self critical about .
22 You know , if you , if international trade is very difficult as it was , say two hundred years ago , then you 've got to be self sufficient .
23 Right now , those hip hop beats have been taken to the max and they 've got to be real careful it does n't become like Muzak
24 Transcription of the exogenous sequences was shown to be alpha-amanitin resistant , which indicates that the procyclin/PARP promoter was active .
25 All possible nonamer peptides with proline at position 2 were synthesized for CSP , LSA-1 and SHEBA ; where a sequence had been shown to be polymorphic variant peptides , for example cp10 , cp16–18 , were also synthesized .
26 In addition , many variants of the octamer sequence have been shown to be functional binding sites for Oct-proteins ( reviewed in [ 31 ] ) .
27 which can not be shown to be justifiable irrespective of the person to whom it is applied .
28 which can not be shown to be justifiable irrespective of the colour , race , nationality or ethnic origins of the person to whom it is applied .
29 Most SMP vendors believe an efficient and scalable SMP version of Windows NT wo n't be around until the second or third release , which are reportedly scheduled to be rolled-out mid 1993 .
30 As creator the sun god had brought into being other cosmic powers , those of air ( Shu ) , earth ( Geb ) and sky ( Nut ) .
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