Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [adv] many [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Everything would have combined to emphasize the fact that she was no longer part of the terrain her ancestors had occupied for so many generations .
2 It may be , too , that the small independents , squeezed for so many years , are starting to fight back .
3 A cumulative succession of nasty surprises has dealt a further destructive blow to an advantage Mr Lawson has enjoyed for so many years that he may have come to taken it for granted : the effect on expectations of confident and respected official forecasting .
4 Almost the biggest shock of the many I had sustained on my return home was the loss of the social cachet I had enjoyed for so many years .
5 With so much data being reported for so many pollutants and with the news media and control agencies employing diverse terms to describe air quality , some degree of confusion to the public is inevitable .
6 Thus the time-honoured name of Revenue Cutter was dropped after so many years of tradition .
7 Joanne , 13 , says simply : ‘ Mum has n't just looked after her own children , she has looked after so many others .
8 As they had passed by Du Cane Road , where the entrance to Wormwood Scrubs prison was , she had been reminded of how many times she had been there , visiting either her husband or one of the older boys .
9 The Family Endowment Society widened the basis of its support in the 1920s because ‘ family allowances could be approached from so many directions with such an infinite variety of emphasis and application .
10 He became aware that the Boulton & Watt steam-engines installed in so many factories in the first quarter of the nineteenth century could no longer be coaxed to produce more power to meet ever-growing demands , and he came up with a very elegant solution which prolonged the useful life of these engines by many years .
11 Any modules which are common to different projects should be included in as many packages as required .
12 In more than one story Clifford Simak put forward the notion that the flesh-tones of dinosaurs might have been iridescent , rather than the drab grey-greens and browns depicted in so many artists impressions .
13 It can be surprisingly difficult to avoid , too , because it is added to so many foods and drinks .
14 It is wonderful to be surrounded by so many friends and good wishes .
15 At the Tribute and subsequently in Seville , it must have been great to be surrounded by so many people who openly acknowledge Queen as a huge influence .
16 In this way you will not be overwhelmed by too many gaps and can build on your experience one stage at a time .
17 Jessica , when she arrived , was overwhelmed by too many things , lost in too many emotions , to even want to make love .
18 This hath justly caused Abundance of Discontent , and " t is from hence that we have heard of so many Tumults and Riots .
19 This was one U Nu , but not the deeper man , who had searched for so many years for enlightenment .
20 As regards the salaries of the U S A we 've read and seen about so many companies that pay sky-high for v various salaries and other schemes , we do n't want that in this country but we do want a degree of evenness and I would repeat as somebody has already said , that your salary has gone up fifty six percent which is very , very high .
21 ‘ What do you think you 're doing … ? she gasped , still feeling shocked and disorientated by the sudden , totally unexpected appearance of the man she had n't seen for so many years .
22 In the pool of silence which fell between them Laura raised her eyes and took her first good , clear look at the man she had married , and whom she had n't seen for so many years .
23 To determine the probabilities of the bigrams and trigrams a count is made of how many times each bigram and trigram occurs in the corpus .
24 The venture that did most damage to Jinky 's bank balance was the ‘ Double J Bar ’ in Hamilton , a pub designed to cash in on his name , but destined like so many footballer 's pubs to become a financial nightmare .
25 ‘ Women today are presented with too many choices , not enough choices .
26 I repeated and repeated the twenty-third psalm , as I had done in so many kinds of danger before .
27 Can we be assured that those regional representatives will reflect the political majority in those regions and will not simply be Government nominees , as we have seen in so many quangos and regional bodies that have been set up in recent years ?
28 The benefits of controlled breathing can be seen in so many cases .
29 The result is the familiar patches of black , brown or dark green mould seen in so many homes , especially around windows , in fitted cupboards and in the upper corners of rooms which have poor insulation and ventilation and inadequate heating .
30 However , if Courier wins , it 'll be decided on how many sets each has dropped during the competition .
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