Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [art] [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 The merits of the plaintiff 's objections to the means of valuation do not appear from the report , and did not need to , because this was a striking-out application under RSC Ord 18 , r19 , which allows no evidence to be heard about the case that the plaintiff wished to make .
2 The difficulty of all this work is trebled through the face that the Office can not say " go and he goes , and come and he comes " as in a factory .
3 Moreover , even those studies where there does seem to be a clear relationship over a number of data points at different arousal levels ( e.g. Courts , 1942 ; Stennett , 1957 ; Bolanger & Feldman , described in Malmo 1959 ) can often be criticized for the possibility that the task used to induce arousal actually requires greater levels of attention at higher levels of arousal itself .
4 Information had been received during the night that a large party of Dragoons , commanded by the infamous Graham of Claverhouse , were in pursuit of them and had spent the night at Strathaven .
5 ( Not least is Cold Comfort Farm to be treasured for the fact that an American literary critic took it straight , commenting that some of the characters were overdrawn . )
6 Although attention was naturally directed towards improving the ‘ dirty ’ areas , the Sierra Club successfully pressed through the courts that the EPA should ensure that ‘ clean ’ or attainment areas should not suffer further degradation ( Stern , 1977 ) .
7 It is a basic but rarely articulated feature of the modern economic system that the highest pay is given for the work that is most prestigious and most agreeable .
8 You see at Banbury School our governing body erm has expressed itself clearly as against the tertiary education proposals as they were first put forward , and I am very pleased to have heard during the debate that they 've been amended as a result of quite a lot as a result of the discussion that has gone on .
9 If life has developed for the enjoyment that it brings , and it started with the existence of a single cell , then it is reasonable to suppose that the single cell was capable of the detection of an extremely small measure of ‘ pleasure ’ which it could experience by satisfying some ‘ desire ’ .
10 One peasant walked 15 versts to get Yakovlev to act on a building designated for a school that was still occupied by an influential peasant .
11 Pop was no longer a community of youth as it had been in the sixties , nor a means of changing society , but a meaningless marketing exercise which deserved to be exposed for the charade that it was .
12 Lori seemed to shudder right through to her very bones ; then it was as if she had shaken off a darkness that had possessed her for too long .
13 Taking a summer holiday used to be regarded as a luxury that everyone owed to themselves .
14 Childbearing can be regarded as a confirmation that the parents feel at one with the nation and culture in which they live ( Simons 1986a ) .
15 But if it is regarded as a report that 's covered already .
16 In Beck v Szymonowski [ 1924 ] AC 43 a clause which provided that " the goods delivered shall be deemed to be in all respects in accordance with the contract " unless the buyer notified the seller of complaints within a stated period was held not to apply where the seller contracted to sell reels of cotton 200 yards in length but actually supplied reels of only 188 yards : the claim was " not in respect of goods delivered but in respect of goods which are not delivered " ( despite the fact that this might have been regarded as a claim that the goods did not comply with their description ) .
17 Here the infinitive 's event is treated as a possibility that has no chance of being real — as something which is impossible , absurd — which shows that the infinitive is clearly capable of expressing a potentiality all by itself .
18 The position was slightly eased after the announcement that the Central Land Board would accept claims as security for the charge up to 80 per cent of their agreed value .
19 Business Assignments is designed for the centres that set the standards in executive language training …
20 He 'd forgotten about the booklet that he put forward on building regulations , the forward that he 'd put forward , so what he was asking to do was already Council policy that he initiated but forgot about .
21 Nowadays we are so scattered about the country that it is very unlikely that any of us would have a Stainey just around the corner who could be relied upon to put up a first class polish .
22 In their discussion of the photograph , Trent had forgotten for a moment that Golden Girl lay miles inland .
23 He thought , They had forgotten for a moment that I 'm a policeman .
24 He had looked at his wife 's unguarded face and forgotten for a moment that life was a deadly game in which you had to keep your cards close to your chest and your back to the wall , your eyes open and your nose clean in order not to end up in the gutter with your hat in your hand .
25 Muriel Box claimed for the film that the issues it covered were ‘ treated seriously and with sincerity . ’
26 Well , we 've sorted through the heads that were sent in to the studio , and we 're real pleased to report that Jackson 's was indeed among them .
27 ‘ I ca n't believe I am being blamed for a fight that went on in the stand behind us , and I hope video evidence will clearly back me up . ’
28 We ask of each person whether he did anything he should not have done such that he should be blamed for the deaths that followed , or whether he contributed to the accidents in such a way that , blameworthy or not , he should bear some portion of the damage or loss .
29 Gaunt showed consistent loyalty to his father and , after 1377 , to his young nephew Richard II , but he lacked the charismatic authority of his father and eldest brother , and he was widely if unfairly blamed for the misfortunes that befell England in the last years of his father 's reign .
30 The report from the three wise men concludes : ‘ The significance of Super-SARA , from a Community point of view , has already been severely eroded during the years that the project has been under discussion and it is expected that its significance will be yet further undermined before the completion of the project . ’
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