Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [art] [noun] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Dr Stjernsward said children had to be taught about the need to eat more fresh green vegetables and fibre .
2 It was created in good part by the situation in the 1970s when a poor match developed between the pressure to lend from donors , and the administrative ability of the borrowing countries to ‘ receive ’ .
3 He felt mercifully isolated and stopped for a while to lean back on the lower bank of fell .
4 At the foot of the steps Lan stopped for a moment to turn and stare back at Joseph .
5 Suddenly he noticed how pale I was , and stopped for a moment to let me get my breath back .
6 Ribeira Brava used to be like a Wild West or oasis town where buses and cars stopped for the occupants to take advantage of coffee , drinks and food and to fill their vehicle with petrol before venturing into the ‘ Beyond ’ or the ‘ Outback ’ .
7 The king , who was disguised as a servant to escape Cromwell 's army , was accompanied by his personal chaplain , Michael Hudson , rector of Uffington near Stamford , and Mr. Ashburnham .
8 Originally developed as a means to ensure compliance with regulations , environmental auditing now has a much wider remit for many companies .
9 Kuhn 's theory of science was subsequently developed as an attempt to give a theory of science more in keeping with the historical situation as he saw it .
10 Have you ever lobbied for a woman to win the prize ?
11 And I also said that Dr Kemp had n't turned up at the railway station when they 'd arranged for a taxi to pick him up and take him — ’
12 Mrs Whitehouse was determined that something should be done , and arranged for a QC to visit the theatre and watch a performance .
13 The bank had arranged for a four-wheeler to pick up the messenger , round the back of the building .
14 Her general condition was so weak that he had arranged for the doctors to take special care of her , financially assisted as usual by Theo .
15 Articles were placed in the press chronicling the joys of country life ( and — as will be shown — fruitless attempts were made to demonstrate that the rural environment was having a positive effect on the children 's health ) ; talks were given on the radio to parents ; special posters were printed ; and it was arranged for the Queen to visit certain schools in November to publicise the scheme .
16 At the start of their third year , the technical training department arranged for the youngsters to work alongside Shell trainees at the Altens training centre .
17 It might have ordered the Serbs to remove their heavy artillery , by threatening to use counter-force ; it might have arranged for the Muslims to move to a safe haven elsewhere in the country .
18 When Hurley approved of Coleman 's find and hurriedly arranged for the CPFNS to buy King Edmondo for $80,000 , Talar pocketed the money , kissed Foofoo goodbye and disappeared into Lebanon before anybody thought to take the boat out on trial .
19 On parents ' evening/parents ' consultation sessions it 's a good idea to invite neighbouring schools serving other phases to send displays of photographs , children 's work , brochures , prospectuses etc to be arranged for the parents to view as they pass through the school during the evening .
20 Superintendent Hayes sealed the bedroom , leaving PC May at the house until Norris had arranged for the body to go to the mortuary .
21 Breathing a sigh of relief , I drove over to the local airfield and arranged for the flight to take place a week earlier , just in case .
22 37% thought it should be arranged for the baby to die
23 When we got to the airport at Stansted , she 'd even arranged for the Captain to escort me on to the plane .
24 So we did n't have to go all the way to Lime Street , Liverpool , Chapman , with his characteristic attention to such details , had arranged for the train to make a special stop at Edgehill Station , to give us a better chance of getting home the same night .
25 Among others enjoying this happy evening were , who as an immediate Past Master of the Salters ' Company most kindly arranged for the dinner to take place in the Salters ' Hall .
26 ‘ That he 'd arranged for the bank to cash cheques on his and my signature until all this is settled . ’
27 The local authority has arranged for the twins to attend some kind of daycare centre .
28 So the question , where a wording which was not accepted by tradition was used , was always whether it was intended by the testator to give rise to a relationship at law ; and the words were examined for an intention to set up a trust .
29 Finally , permission was given for the ferry to resume its scheduled services from 9am today .
30 When a signal was given for the ladies to retire , leaving the men to their port and cigars , Sarah hurried to the kitchen , scurrying like a rabbit for shelter .
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