Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [adj] [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Following the very successful session with at the January Q.T. Day a further programme has been arranged for 7 July at the ( the venue to be confirmed ) .
2 This in-service training day has been arranged for 27th September at Cecil Sharp House , Regent 's Park Road .
3 This in-service training day has been arranged for 27th September at Cecil Sharp House , Regent 's Park Road .
4 This meeting has now been arranged for 11th March at which a number of matters that have also been brought up at the various members ' meetings will be queried .
5 A meeting has been arranged for 30th September in the Village Hall when a neighbourhood watch will be set up for Belmont Road area .
6 The average orientation of N138°E obtained for the United Kingdom is consistent with that of N141°E given for western Europe as a whole , which relates to a NW–SE compressive stress associated with plate-tectonic movements .
7 These days have been organised for 13th September at Homerton , Cambridge and Ipswich .
8 These days have been organised for 13th September at Homerton , Cambridge and Ipswich .
9 Having rolled up Western Europe like a carpet , Hitler sued for peace .
10 The patrol was dropped into Western Iraq by helicopter , but poor information meant there were problems from the start .
11 So dubious were the powers-that-be in Britain of a single female agent being dropped into occupied France without back-up that they 'd refused to give their assistance .
12 The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) was reported to see little hope of repatriating some 95,000 Sierra Leonean refugees trapped in northern Liberia by the latest intensification of the war .
13 Heavy fighting involving Kurdish pesh mergas ( guerrillas ) and government troops was reported in early September in parts of northern Iraq .
14 The International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC ) was reported in early August to be unable to trace more than a few hundred of the many thousands of Iraqi soldiers who died in the Gulf war fighting , nor had details been given of the location of mass graves .
15 Overuse can lead to pollution , declining groundwater levels and , eventually , to trouble of one sort or another ; internecine feuds were reported in southern Spain in the summer of 1983 when river levels were at an all-time low .
16 When killings were reported in late May in the region of Tchin-Tabaradene in Niger , the government recorded the incident as a Tuareg attack on a gendarmerie , in which 63 people died and 77 were arrested .
17 Prime Minister Konstantinos Mitsotakis was reported in late April as expressing " concern " over the number of attacks mounted by underground groups over the past six months , and said that his government would intensify the drive against terrorism , which was discouraging foreign tourists .
18 Reports of fighting in the strategic southern town of Malakal , the capital of Upper Nile province , which had been reported in late October as clashes between the rebel Sudan People 's Liberation Army ( SPLA ) and government forces [ see p. 39132 ] , were confused by conflicting accounts during November .
19 Peter Walker , the Secretary of State for Wales , confirmed on March 4 that he intended to leave the government at a future point in order to be able to spend more time with his family ; it was subsequently announced on March 14 that he would be succeeded in late May by David Hunt , currently Minister for Local Government and Inner Cities , who would enter the Cabinet for the first time .
20 Beach charges included from 1 May to 30 Sept ( see p.225 ) .
21 Bus industry : As part of its programme of work , a seminar was organised in early February to which senior representatives from other organisations concerned with bus transport were invited .
22 Retreating over the Ramelau Range , the Australians were attacked on 14 August by natives .
23 An evening buffet was organised on 6th February in the Showroom at Elderslie by Steve Higgins , Field Sales Director , where many customers and colleagues gathered to wish him farewell .
24 The Building Employers Confederation had a meeting with the Prime Minister , which was reported on 1 October in The Independent .
25 He did so , and continued in Stockport until 1623 , being succeeded on 4th November by Thomas Rossen , who resigned within two years .
26 Huntingford confirmed on 14 March 1788 that ( for reasons not given ) he had resigned the post of secretary , being succeeded on 14 April by Mr Raggett , another attorney of Odiham .
27 A final decision over funding , to be agreed between the state council and the ministry of forestry , is expected by next March in time for China 's next five year economic plan .
28 Provision is made for current PRT on revenue from petroleum sales less all allowable deductions for the period .
29 On the day a march estimated at 100,000 people threaded through central London in spring sunshine to Grosvenor Square .
30 An unsuccessful Liberal candidate for Holborn in 1886 , Naoroji was adopted for Central Finsbury after a struggle within the constituency party ( 1888 ) .
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