Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [noun] it be " in BNC.

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1 Of course I had n't bargained on technology , because once the hide is cut to size and checked for blemishes it 's actually put on a cutting form and sent through a roller press .
2 So if you are pressed for time it is better during your first year in a language area to give more time to direct contact with people than to spend hours at your desk typing .
3 A controversial memo to hospital consultants has been withdrawn after claims it was creating a two-tier health system .
4 Gerard says that pounded and mixed with vinegar it was used by the Germans as a sauce for fish and with " such like meates as we do mustard " .
5 Once a replicator has come into existence it is capable of generating an indefinitely large set of copies of itself .
6 If we carefully analyse the frequencies contained within speech it is possible to devise a system of rules that allows us to create any given sound from its basic frequencies .
7 And whenever experience is pursued without hindrance it is called philosophy .
8 Although no requests were made for funds it was agreed to donate £20 to the Westside Jazz Band and £10 to the Currie High School Country Dance Band .
9 Best do another one best do er Kids ' County number two for today same as before Nottinghamshire 's kids talking about Nottinghamshire 's people and places and things I need to know where they 're describing remember whatever the answer is it 's always somewhere around Nottinghamshire always somewhere in the county three four three four three four to ring then for er Kids ' County number two for today here 's the clues , It 's got barbed wire around it it 's made of wood it 's long .
10 There it 's got barbed wire around it it 's made of wood and it 's long where are they talking about what are they talking about somewhere around Nottinghamshire Nottingham three four three four three four to call from this lot of clues , It 's got barbed wire around it it 's made of wood it 's long .
11 I tell you what you can get for it you can have erm a make-up bag with a string of pearls in they 're not real one you can have er more of that moist erm tissue stuff er a bag with sweetener things in it there 's er a video about a Biggin Air Show and loads of marshmallows too for Kids ' County number two here 's the clues , It 's got barbed wire around it its made of wood it 's long .
12 Er the clues for our second Kids ' County for today are these ones , It 's got barbed wire round it it 's made of wood it 's long .
13 All right er Kids ' County here 's the clues these ones , It 's got barbed wire round it it 's made of wood it 's long .
14 Here 's the clues then all together then this lot , It 's got barbed wire round it it 's made of wood it 's long it 's got tunnels it 's metal round the edge it 's green .
15 While it may be frowned on by purists , it is a practical way round the problem of cutting on dialogue , and if it is done with sensitivity it is not too obtrusive .
16 If the program is written in BASIC it is a comparatively easy matter to insert an instruction to hold print on the screen until it has been read by the children .
17 While the Comintern policy was nominally accepted in Britain it was only vocal extremists , backed by the Comintern , who wished to see it rigorously enforced .
18 These events hamper the breakdown and issue of fresh and combat rations to the Force , and the Bath Unit is prepared in case it is necessary to deal with decontamination .
19 As is explained later in the book , despite the high-sounding words with which the Bill was presented to Parliament it is a complete sham .
20 c Applied to timber it is meant to keep fungi away by killing spores , but it remains active for many years and is a health hazard not only for people in their homes , but also for the workers who make it .
21 If the sixth-century Avitus was related to Sidonius it is interesting that Gregory should imply that the family faded out after Arcadius 's plot ; Avitus was , after all , a friend of Gregory .
22 I 've , I 've said to Mark it 's your money
23 Though distinction has been made on morphology it is also useful from the veterinary standpoint , for it separates the single harmful species , Oslerus osleri , living in the upper air passages , from the relatively harmless species which are retained in the genus Filaroides , and which live in the lung parenchyma .
24 As I understand it from what was said at Edingley it was n't necessary for these buses to go to Norwood Gardens because they were well served without .
25 We do n't want pe I mean we do n't want sales reps agreeing to allocations I mean at the moment we have n't got anybody to administer them it 's being done by groups it 's going to be a nightmare in a big way
26 It 's like everything else that 's done by hand it 's Aha .
27 chipped out , aye and of course we had a machine doing all that work , it was no longer done by hand it was done by machine
28 Where conditions are incorporated by reference it is also prudent and , according to some authorities , necessary , to offer to the party whom it is sought to bind by them a reasonable opportunity for inspection ( see Parker v South Eastern Railway , above ) .
29 If you 're watching a sett that is n't often visited by humans it 's as well to be extra careful and observe the following basic rules .
30 I I 've been coming here for forty years so far and and provocative statement I think in your programme this Autumn is the best that you 've had for years it 's a very good combination of classical and and modern plays and I really congratulate you on this programme and I would like to see that standard maintained .
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