Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You will be taught about hazards both in the classroom and on the wards and should always adhere to procedures and policies laid down for the safety of patients and yourself .
2 There was more than one couple in his parish who had communicated for years only by note or through neighbours .
3 Despite such setbacks , the Germans continued their infantry frontal attacks with supporting parachute infantry outflanking Allied positions , and after nearly a month of confused fighting the Independent Companies were withdrawn through Bodö along with elements of the 24th Guards Brigade and Norwegian troops .
4 I 'd have given birth to twins and discovered what song the Sirens sang , and vaporized and condensed and fallen as snow all over central Calcutta . ’
5 On a summons issued by solicitors for the interim government of Somalia , the Republic of Somalia was substituted as the plaintiff in the proceedings and directions were given for payment out of the money paid into court to the solicitors instructed by the interim government , unless cause was shown why it should not be so paid out .
6 It seems plain from the speeches in Siskina that where leave can be given for service out of the jurisdiction under one of the other paragraphs of Order 11 ( for example those dealing with breach of contract ) , a Mareva injunction can be granted .
7 The board should be checked for damage especially around the nose and rails , and it is also worth bearing in mind its weight since boards become heavier with age .
8 After 12 months you should have nice young plants nearly ready for moving on to permanent quarters or , if the cuttings are of the rugosa type and intended for rootstocks on to which you are going to bud other varieties , they can be planted out ready for working .
9 The implications which these authors seek to deduce is that , since it is wrong to base a strategic doctrine on a potential illegal use of weapons , the policy of deterrence based on assured destruction should be ‘ declaratory ’ only , and that actual plans should be based on the development , deployment and targeting of weapons which ‘ should be intended for use only against military objectives and be as discriminate as reasonably possible in their collateral effects upon the civilian population and property ’ ( Builder and Graubard , 1982 , p. 51 ) .
10 These five zones , indicated on Fig. 4. , are interpreted as major thrust sheets and designated for convenience here by arbitrary capital letters .
11 He was treated for shock along with another cab driver and shopper .
12 This would not count as decoding unless muscular activity and other outputs were regarded as translations out of ‘ impulses ’ into an interpreted language .
13 She feels that a period in research should be an asset to a nurse 's cv , rather than being regarded as time off from ‘ real ’ nursing .
14 This suggests that predictable letter sequences may be treated as words even in the absence of semantic information . )
15 POLICE union fears over the role of the proposed 30-strong city crime prevention wardens for Glasgow city centre have been allayed after talks yesterday with the Strathclyde Chief Constable , Leslie Sharp .
16 The lightweight 155g Nike Duellist , for example , is designed for distances up to the half-marathon , whereas the 280g Brooks GFS105 is intended for those heavier runners .
17 This is designed for situations where for one reason or another the work can not be fully described in advance and therefore a price can not be agreed .
18 Over 50 models , some from the school , and two confined to wheelchairs , enjoyed the experience , showing clothes designed for teenagers through to middle age , and ‘ all at affordable prices , ’ reports 15 year old , Sarita Creese-Smith .
19 As the essence of this offence is stealing a ride , handcarts and pedestrian controlled vehicles etc. are not conveyances as they are designed for use only under the control of a person not carried in or on it .
20 It is designed for use only in Force 3+ and usually has a small daggerboard .
21 Firstly , although some of the schemes were designed for staff right across further education , they were attracting only a handful of teachers of vocational subjects , while the remaining schemes did not take their needs into account at all .
22 He thus arrived at his city 's University in the Depression , well primed for encounters there with the suspect notions of Eliot , Pound and T E Hulme .
23 Teenager Mark Limbert has also resigned for City along with Blackburn teenagers Ian Berry and Lee Moss whose signings Barrow clinched last week .
24 In contrast , the EAT , while using a very similar strategy for both elicitation and scoring , is recommended for use only by qualified speech therapists .
25 Jim remains an enigma , penetrated through action only to a certain point .
26 Campaigners , backed by Ms Eagle , say the landing stage could be repaired for £1.5m instead of the £10m quoted by Merseytravel .
27 Recoveries should be pursued against Airlines regardless of the amount .
28 At a cue from the Director the PA sweeps his hand down , indicating a ‘ Go ’ to the cast frozen like statues just outside the camera 's field of vision .
29 They form the basis of most modern detergents and are frequently mixed with non-ionics usually in the ratio two parts anionic to one part non-ionic .
30 They 've been going through all the lorries that 've come into Dover today with some sort of connection with the Balkans .
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