Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv prt] [subord] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The system of setting limits to public spending had broken down because of the following :
2 The SHAPE project , launched in 1985 , grew out of the educational reforms proposed in the late 1970s but never systematically carried through because of the economic crisis .
3 It all seemed so logical that you knew Ryan , had come over because of the land . ’
4 In other words , some good measurements might be lost , but bad measurements are likely to be picked up because of the requirement that both the subject measurement and the reference measurement must be consistent .
5 For the fact is that the family is of such importance in the social structure and in personal life that much social work can not be carried out except in the broad family context .
6 The survey was completed in 1640 and the deer destroyed , but the planned disafforestment and partition was not then carried out because of the outbreak of the Civil War .
7 The District Council considers that the sites may have a role to play in the long-term strategic land reserve , although at this stage as no calculations have been carried out as to the requirements it is difficult to assess what role they might play .
8 Large-scale use of set-nets in the Amazon is recent , and has come about because of the worldwide availability of cheap monofilament nylon nets .
9 The plaintiff in Diamond Stylus Co Ltd v Bauden Precision Diamonds Ltd [ 1973 ] RPC 675 paid the price for not having an express covenant restraining employees from soliciting customers after employment ended and was forced to argue that solicitation could only have come about because of the misuse of business secrets .
10 This request was turned down because of the cost and the fact that the present 30 per cent .
11 Much of the Act was fiercely argued over because of the very real conflicts of opinion that exist in these areas .
12 So in 1950 the American , Hillary Waugh , impressed by a volume of real murder cases he had picked up , not so much because of the horrific details the author had dwelt on as by the tone of authenticity that seemed to arise naturally from the accounts of the cases , decided to write a fictional crime story catching as much as he could of this real-life feel .
13 However , Broad Street , which is normally one of the main areas for the Fair , remained closed off because of the blast damage .
14 Nowhere is this more plainly spelt out than in the ‘ programme notes ’ accompanying the show .
15 Jacques Lanxade , 56 , was named Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces in place of Gen. Maurice Schmitt , who had reached retirement age in early 1991 but had stayed on because of the Gulf crisis .
16 We have horses , so fruit trees were obviously omitted , as were many of the most beautiful species such as beech and oak ( beech mast and oak apples can be poisonous or at the least a cause of colic ) , chestnut trees were crossed off because of the conker collecting problem — small boys of all ages are very determined that nothing in the way of fencing should stop them finding conkers .
17 The Allerton Bywater and Halkon Hunt matches were called off because of the ice as was the Doncaster event on the Idle where the river was frozen bank to bank .
18 We know now from the Portuguese Government that that delegation has been called off because of the recent tragic events in East Timor .
19 But the flypast had to be called off because of the low cloud and rain .
20 Concern over the military government 's tight control over the transition to civilian rule was heightened on July 17 when Vice-President Augustus Aikhomu announced that the new National Assembly , whose opening session had been scheduled for July 27 , would not be sworn in until after the election of a civilian president .
21 No firm rules can be laid down as to the form that consultation should take and how long it should last .
22 No absolute rule can be laid down as to the way the subordinate judge should proceed .
23 Newspaper advertisements hailed the convenience and amenities of the place ; specifications were laid down as to the length and style of houses .
24 No general rules can be laid down as to the reasonableness of a time period because these obviously depend on the facts of each case , however as Lord Shaw said in the Morris ( Herbert ) case " as the time of the restriction lengthens and the space of its operation extends , the weight of the onus on the covenantee grows " .
25 He said the explosion appeared not to have been deliberately set off because of the timing .
26 The Fair Employment Commission was set up because of the disadvantage experienced by Northern Ireland Catholics in terms of greatly higher unemployment rates , lower participation rates in the more prestigious better-paid jobs and much greater participation in insecure or poorly paid jobs .
27 The Campaign for Real Yorkshire has been set up because of the imminent review of local government structures in the county being carried out by the Government 's Local Government Commission .
28 The Campaign for Real Yorkshire has been set up because of the imminent review of local government structures in the county , being carried out by the Government 's Local Government Commission .
29 In the face of severe criticism from all parties Modrow conceded on Jan. 12 that no such office would be set up until after the general election .
30 In many cases the scope of a project has to be scaled down because of the restricted data available and/or the restricted resources of the research worker .
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