Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] [noun] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 Broken down to glucose which provides energy .
2 They ignored the prior consultations , the use of friendship between secretariat officials and local chairmen which ensured that the business of government was carried on in ways which often responded to local needs .
3 A loose clearance was picked up by Miller whose thunderous long shot clattered the crossbar .
4 There are already many alternatives to the research carried out on animals which has been going on for a long time .
5 The statue-reliquary of St Faith at the monastery of Conques was carried out to manors which the tenth- and eleventh-century monks claimed belonged to them .
6 Is it not high time that a proper review was carried out of exacty what space exists throughout the Palace , so that we can use it well for the benefit of our constituents and for other purposes ?
7 This is the result of an assessment of the nucleonic instrumentation at Hinkley A carried out by SID which highlighted the need for additional instrumentation to ensure adequate reactor protection at shutdown .
8 There is also an interesting account of the excavations carried out by Wright which caused Sir Mortimer Wheeler years later to use it as an illustration of how not to carry out an archaeological dig .
9 The Macintosh changed that approach by following the experimental work carried out by Xerox which indicated that pictorial or icon-based user interfaces were easier to learn and use .
10 The normal pattern for the distribution of funding is a form of the Normal Distribution Curve , with the bulk of funding going to middle-of-the-road research carried out in Departments which are already pre-eminent , as can be seen from the figures for NERC support for geology quoted earlier .
11 I refer here to cases in which sexual behaviour or play with other children becomes obsessive in nature and frequency — or where it is imposed against the wishes of other children involved ; cases in which masturbation becomes a near-total preoccupation , or is carried out in circumstances which make it an aggressive act or one of attention-seeking ; or those in which the very nature of sexual activity shows that its implications are fully understood regardless of age .
12 Because of the accident that , in the early days , a high proportion of the best anthropological field research wan carried out in societies which were made up of exogamous unilineal descent groups , many textbooks give the impression that unilineal descent is the normal pattern in primitive societies and hence that the distinction between kinship ( of common substance ) and affinity is normally clear-out and unambiguous .
13 While the bidding for contracts may nominally be through international competitive bidding arrangements between suppliers and members of a government , the award may in practice be carried out in ways which make it impossible for the Bank and other donors to police it .
14 We were enumerated off at Brodick which is still the ‘ tourist centre for exploring the island , and is in daily communication with the mainland … ’
15 Still more are the public fed up with escapes which succeed , and they will be appalled to hear from my right hon. Friend that the cost of damage to our prisons last year exceeded £100 million .
16 Muscles are made up of fibres which have different mechanical properties , and two of the main groups of fibres are called fast twitch fibres and slow twitch fibres .
17 It began to seem that the entire storehouse was made up of substances which looked harmless and beautiful on the surface , but which changed and blurred and coalesced as you approached them .
18 It was found that approximately 30 per cent of the map area was made up of polygons which did not agree with the initial map descriptions .
19 Then there is a Prado disperso , made up of works which not even the store-rooms have space for , and which are on loan to embassies , universities , provincial town halls and the like .
20 Ritual sequences such as the Sinhalese wedding described above are made up of units which are used rather like the pieces in a game of dominoes .
21 The outer layer of the skin ( epidermis ) is made up of cells which are shed over a cycle of 28 days .
22 This chapter will be concerned with the most straightforward kinds of pyroclastic deposits : those which are made up of fragments which have simply been shot up into the air and fallen back down again , so they are known as pyroclastic fall deposits .
23 The finding is that roughly 25 per cent of Italy 's total dog population of around 3.5 million is made up of animals which , if they are not all precisely strays , are at least ‘ free-ranging ’ and not under immediate human supervision .
24 Children have not grown out of behaviours which were acceptable when they were much younger .
25 A witness can not be asked in examination-in-chief about any previous statement made out of court which is inconsistent with his testimony unless he has been declared a hostile witness by the court .
26 The Christ-corpse carried in a glass coffin down Plateros , over the design of doves and flowers and cross made out of petals which had engaged so many all day , and borne round the Plaza de Armas , was one whose wounds gaped , who was chalky-white with blood-loss .
27 Redundancy , too , can be a threat , particularly where large psychiatric or mental handicap hospitals are being sold off as property which is excess to requirement .
28 He found no difficulty in signing the engagement drawn up by Parliament which bound him to be faithful to a commonwealth without king and House of Lords .
29 In 1976 a constitution was drawn up in Lisbon which designated Madeira an Autonomous Political Region .
30 Faeces are used by young children as a ‘ gift ’ , and sometimes their stools are wrapped up in parcels which they give to a significant person .
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