Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pos pn] [noun sg] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Having failed to obtain one means I 've forgotten my status as a foreigner in Europe , Latin American , undesirable .
2 As to judicial lawmaking , the practice of prospective overruling has attracted my attention as a hard case for those theories of judicial process which involve a strong commitment to coherence , consistency and institutional fit .
3 It was due to become effective following its formal ratification by North Korea , which had signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1985 , but had not previously discharged its obligation as a signatory to negotiate and sign a safeguards agreement which would allow international inspection .
4 The relative complexity of gastric crypt anatomy compared with colorectal mucosa has discouraged its use as an experimental model in proliferation research .
5 Polypropylene has earned its place as a large volume high growth polymer [ 11 per cent per annum compound for the past give years ] because of its attractive balance of properties , its ability to be processed by a wide variety of techniques , and its competitive economics and cost effectiveness .
6 Peyton was admitted to Lincoln 's Inn in 1655 , having also succeeded his father as an examiner in Chancery in 1654 .
7 You have played chess all your life and I think that , in the same way , you have always approached your work as a player ?
8 I read to him sentences from the Report such as : ‘ Schools have the clear responsibility to ensure that all children have full access to Standard English , given its role as an international language used throughout the world and essential for many purposes . ’
9 Purley depôt was deemed to have completed its task as an annexe to Charlton Works by 29 November 1949 and was available to take the cars now housed at Thornton Heath .
10 For 150 years , police have regarded their job as the control of crime and criminals , of coping with social deviancy .
11 As we have already suggested , Jesus 's brother James , and the other members of the Nazarean hierarchy in Jerusalem , seem to have regarded their evangelising as a form of recruitment — a means whereby an army for the nation of Israel might be created .
12 So profound were the changes implicit in the statute that historians of all schools of thought have recognized its promulgation as an epoch-making event .
13 In this , at least , it succeeded , however limited its success as a settlement for the endemic , historic problems of Ireland .
14 Its toxicity has severely limited its use as an antiulcer drug but either it or its analogues are occasionally used clinically .
15 Often they were detailed and informative ; and many were published under pressure from the House of Commons rather than by the free decision of the government , though the fact that they normally related to negotiations which had been concluded rather than to any still in progress inevitably limited their usefulness as a weapon of parliamentary control .
16 Zelma , bless her , who has always regarded her son-in-law as a sort of concierge who somehow manages to throw up the odd masterpiece in between sitting at a desk , gazing uselessly out of the window and making endless messes in her kitchen with his coffee dregs and fag ash , had been popping into the study at fairly regular intervals , with unspecific enquiries .
17 Since the age of seventeen , Margaret had regarded her body as a tradeable commodity ; she saw a fortnightly meeting between the sheets with an elderly bookmaker as an investment , a means to an end .
18 Once again she split the party and proved in subsequent elections that the people regarded her family as the real Congress .
19 The Divisional Court treated their conduct as an act of group violence , so that each member of the joint group was guilty of threatening behaviour .
20 He ought not to have died , and if I had gone with my mother to the doctor and done my part as a son , I feel as if he need not have done . ’
21 It was as if he were saying , ‘ There , I 've done my duty as a good host .
22 For their part , the MRP leaders had presented their movement as the " party of fidelity " ( i.e. fidelity to de Gaulle ) and had , in the end , opposed the first constitutional draft .
23 Though it has made its name as a mainframe software house , Compuware is keen to broaden its horizons .
24 Having made their name as the most mischievous men in pop , their audience watched uneasily as Madness turned down the corners of their mouths .
25 He may have seen her death as a judgement .
26 Often they take casual jobs , and William Gaminara has turned his experience as an out-of-work thesp into a sparky new play at the Hampstead Theatre .
27 He wears jeans , sneakers and leather bomber jackets and talks in teenage jargon , but — at the age of 65 — Fluff has decided his time as a pop picker is up .
28 For Maria , and perhaps even for Luke , the evening finally came to mean something when , having done his duty as an announcer , Florian Jones was called up on stage once more as the winner of the radio category in which he had been nominated .
29 Subsequent financial woes — he had quit his job as a broker to work on a show for the Boone gallery — sent Koons back to Pennsylvania , where he lived with his parents for several months before heading to Florida for a political campaign job that brought him enough money to return to New York .
30 But we do know God is present , if we have accepted his word as the final authority on his character .
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