Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pos pn] [noun sg] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She would have seen me the week before ; and this time , have heard my arrival and tried to catch a glimpse of me — that explained the old man 's quick looks past me , and perhaps some of his nervous strangeness .
2 But then , if I had waited until you had your full wits about you , you might have realised my intention and signed the house over to your daughter and her bastard . ’
3 This expedition began this morning almost an hour later than I had planned , despite my having completed my packing and loaded the ford with all necessary items well before eight o'clock .
4 I had forgotten my way and had to look all round me slowly until I recognized the street which I had used a hundred times before .
5 Stuart must have rung my boudoir and learned how the telephone is answered in about fifteen languages so far .
6 Hazel said she intended to spend her vouchers on items for her home and said : ‘ I am very pleased to reach this milestone because I have always enjoyed my work and have made a lot of good friends over the years . ’
7 It was extremely effective , did n't pull any punches , but had caught my eye and made me think .
8 They have earned their freedom and do n't know how to spend it .
9 She seemed to have dropped her voice and moved in closer to the phone as if to avoid the chance of being overheard .
10 The Northern Echo revealed on Saturday that Darlington Wedding Cars had disconnected its phone and left no forwarding address .
11 The Northern Echo revealed on Saturday that the company had disconnected its phone and left no forwarding address .
12 From 1923 to 1925 the TUC had maintained a Joint Committee with it , but had discontinued its cooperation and attacked the Movement as Communist-dominated .
13 The girl had lifted her head and turned her face towards him , though he could not flatter himself that she was looking at him ; rather at the image he drew before her , that spare portrait of the departed visitant , sketched in so few lines on the firelit air .
14 Ace had n't consciously lifted her arm and fired the suit 's built-in blaster .
15 He simply looked startled — as if a worm had just lifted its head and answered him back , Carrie thought .
16 The most likely is that the ferret has somehow shed her muzzle and has then killed a rabbit .
17 She must have caught her heel and tripped , just rotten bad luck .
18 A veteran of Le Mans , he 's won his class and finished 5th overall in the past .
19 This is the moment when it comes into his mind to ask himself what he 's doing in this place ; to see the meaninglessness of his business there , and the hollowness of his enjoyments ; to lose sight suddenly of what it is in the texture of life that has ever occupied his attention and led him forward .
20 He tells us how he cried and cried when he found out the Almighty Mozzer had slung his hook and f—ed off home for a veggieburger .
21 Bernard Appel , chairman of Tandy Corp 's Radio Shack chain , has resigned his post and departs in June .
22 Robert himself , afflicted by leprosy , spent the last two years of his life in Cardross castle beside the Clyde , dying before he could learn that the Pope had lifted his excommunication and acknowledged him and his successors as rulers of Scotland .
23 She had lifted his hand and kissed it .
24 ‘ He hath unpacked his carriage and made it run a mile or two up and down in River 's great room , making it carry the fire shovel , tongs and poker .
25 He had discarded his uniform and wore his best suit , a light pearly grey , with a brightly-coloured necktie , and a rose in his buttonhole .
26 It was early still , but , while she had quite enjoyed his company and having someone else to converse with in her own language , an early night seemed quite a good idea .
27 You 've caught his interest and got him involved by deeds more than words .
28 ‘ I thought you 'd forgotten your coffee and had decided to go to bed instead , ’ he said , looking disapprovingly at her freshly done hair .
29 In practice it is extraordinarily difficult to tear ourselves away from that tiny part of the situation which has attracted our attention and aroused our emotions , in order to consider the whole .
30 Beyond this there was little of importance which she could tell and Dalgliesh had briefly heard her story and let her go .
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