Example sentences of "[vb pp] [vb mod] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The time scale for which such forecasts may be calculated may vary from one month to several years ahead .
2 The time scale for which such forecasts may be calculated may vary from one month to several years ahead .
3 ‘ A member to whom a notice under this rule is given may appeal against that notice to the Appeal Tribunal in accordance with Chapter VIII of this Part …
4 ( 11 ) A member to whom a notice under this rule is given may appeal against that notice to the Appeal Tribunal in accordance with Chapter VIII of this Part and the notice shall state that that right exists and the time within which it may be exercised ; and — ( a ) a notice under paragraph ( 9 ) above shall state the reasons why it appears to the board to be desirable for the protection of investors for them to exercise their powers in the manner and in relation to the member in question ; and ( b ) a notice under paragraph ( 10 ) above shall state why the notice under paragraph ( 9 ) is being rescinded or varied .
5 The apparent concentration of research effort in some well-favoured areas is justified by the intrinsic geological interest of these areas , but the large areas of Scotland in which no university-supported research has been undertaken must call for some explanation .
6 A man is not punishable for a serious crime committed by another unless he has actually instigated the commission of a crime , and then he will be punishable though the crime committed may differ in some degree from that which he instigated .
7 The quality to be expected will depend upon all the circumstances of the sale .
8 He also expressed the fear , however , that the very widespread and intense national feeling which the war had revealed might lead in some circumstances to what he called ‘ social imperialism ’ : the imperialism of a whole people .
9 A Chairman shall be appointed for each meeting , at the close of which he shall name the Chairman for the one following , and the Member so named shall act in that capacity , unless the Meeting by a majority agree to some other .
10 The first is that the donations that would be made would go to charitable social service agencies providing for the same groups as statutory agencies .
11 The faster fitness style and stamina section featured will appeal to many younger people , and videos of this type are very popular with those who can not , or do not wish to , go to a regular class .
12 The method selected will depend on individual circumstances and needs .
13 Both cells will see movement to the right but the direction seen will vary by 90 degrees .
14 The charges made will vary with different brigades , and will depend on the number of vehicles and fire fighters attending the incident , and the number of hours spent on the job .
15 Whether new words and new meanings are accepted can depend to some extent on what means exist to disseminate them .
16 The abuse alleged may arise in many different forms .
17 Yesterday , to our consternation and when in fact we had cancelled other plans for the meeting , eight people arrived here at 2.00 pm for a meeting we had anticipated would commence at 11.30 am at the latest .
18 yeah , because as I say something like what Jane 's got would fit in that fireplace , just right
19 The methods used will depart from classic class based analyses of inequalities in health by using age and cause specific mortality rates for both sexes to look historically at the relationship between patterns of disease , standards of living , eating , drinking and smoking habits , and health service inputs .
20 But how mud is used will differ from one climate to another , following the cardinal principle of traditional architecture .
21 It hardly needs saying that how this story is told will depend upon philosophical argument .
22 The forced reference reset can occur at this level , and has done on numerous occasions .
23 In such circumstances the opinions and interests of those most directly affected ought to count for more than the opinions of those of us who are only marginally affected , if at all .
24 David says that the festival would n't have been a big event and any money raised would go to local schools .
25 Many of the themes and issues raised will re-emerge in later chapters .
26 The money raised will pay for two outdoor residential courses , organised for college students and Fairbridge .
27 Since all communities are man-made , no such entity exists , and the chances are small indeed that any community properly so called will coincide with any pragmatically contrived constituency .
28 I have found that a pair of Neons can yield around two hundred eggs in a spawning , but the number of fry raised can vary from twenty five to over a hundred .
29 It certainly seems probable that addictive disease has a genetic element although the strength of that genetic component may vary considerably from one individual to another just as the intensity of short sight or other conditions that are genetically linked may vary in different individuals .
30 The guarantee of protection to these individuals was intended to remove a source of friction between States that was feared might escalate into further conflict .
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