Example sentences of "[vb pp] [subord] [adv] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The technique of discursive metaphor allows the individual to be depicted as both passively spoken through by language and actively involved in the discursive process of identity-construction .
2 Some of these functions are best performed by University Institutes , some by a Curriculum Development Centre , some by a Curriculum Planning Unit and it is therefore possible that functions which may hitherto have been seen as either wholly performed by this body or that may increasingly be undertaken in partnership .
3 SunSoft is apparently reluctant to align itself to closely with the Unix International Roadmap , seen as too closely aligned with USL .
4 Because the nation is seen as only partially liberated , and particularly by the membership of the largest party Fianna Fáil , the animus of the national-popular consciousness is focused on this issue , to the detriment of class-based politics .
5 The menagerie of the Zoological Society provided the perfect opportunity to observe subjects alive and vigorously kicking , and the tiny woodcuts of the Society 's guidebook vibrate with squawking , flapping , screeching birds drawn as never before attempted in a British work of its kind .
6 The first Letters of Request were , however , rejected as too widely drawn , under principles as to ‘ fishing expeditions ’ to be considered below .
7 In a recent decision the Employment Appeal Tribunal has confirmed that a woman who is entitled to return to work but is made redundant while still on maternity leave , is to be regarded as automatically unfairly dismissed if the employer does not offer a suitable alternative vacancy or prove that no such vacancy exists ( see John Menzies GB Ltd v Porter [ 1992 ] 457 Industrial Relations Legal Information Bulletin 13 ) .
8 Sch 2 , para 2(2) of the EP(C)A provides that if no such offer is made the employee is to be regarded as automatically unfairly dismissed .
9 It was regarded as too narrowly based upon Mrs Thatcher 's wing of the party and insufficiently representative of , or capable of appealing to , the various other strands of opinion .
10 The assumption that the cultural achievements of the past are actually obsolete is more likely to be implied than so explicitly stated , but it is a logical implication of a progressivist concept of knowledge .
11 The forward- facing electors without our campaign exp expertise , back-up and money will not dissolve any deeply held if only recently announced objections to union association , for we all know what 's likely to happen at the party conference in October if the brakes are not applied now .
12 Children who are described as mildly mentally handicapped are often upset to hear themselves described as such , and such terms as ‘ children with learning difficulties ’ are now in vogue .
13 We must now go back to about 1920 when the whole subject could be described as pretty well bogged down .
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