Example sentences of "[vb pp] [num] [noun pl] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Supporters of a no-confidence referendum had gathered 440,000 signatures to support their demand .
2 Sources said that they have been given six weeks to finish their assignments and another four weeks ' severance pay .
3 Sources said they have been given six weeks to finish their assignments and another four weeks severance .
4 Its title is ‘ Out of Sight Out of Mind ’ ( 14 February-20 March ) , and director Nicholas Logsdail has selected fifty artists to illustrate his theme .
5 He has selected ten artists to illustrate his thesis in which he ponders whether art might have replaced religion as a vehicle for modern spiritual thought .
6 By the age of 12 , she was only the size of an eight-year-old and had already undergone two operations to straighten her legs .
7 If you were given three hours to collect your thoughts and write it down , you 'd all d excuse me , hello , right .
8 Kisekka , who was appointed Vice-President , was in his mid-70s and reported to be in poor health ; in February 1988 he had been given three deputies to ease his workload .
9 Interested groups such as businessmen , shoppers and environmentalists will be given three months to give their views .
10 Joe the jet pilot has logged 100 hours flying his plane at a Speed of 548.25km per hour .
11 The Angel of Death looks in and he says : ‘ You 've got five minutes to get your clean nightdress on , and arrange your effects , and put the cat out , and tear up that compromising letter , and then I 'll be back for you . ’
12 Nicol , since the disastrous encounter near Ullesthorpe , had had five days to make his way lamely across country to reach Sub-Prior Herluin and make his report .
13 He had persuaded two fellow-officers to follow his example and take Kirov as their personal tailor .
14 He is resentful that no aid was given to him — another villager was given 3,000 rupees to repair his house because , says Kirtana , he knew the local member of the Orissa state parliament .
15 The Cullifords were to have spent 3 weeks visiting their daughter and 3 granchildren in Illinois .
16 She 's spent 6 years researching his life and she 's now written a book which describes him as a talented , but essentially ordinary man .
17 They have spent ten years perfecting their own blend of rhythm and blues and building up a solid base in the region .
18 Brian May has spent five years making his debut solo album .
19 On one occassion he had made a huge crossbow , hoping to throw himself to the mainland , but the elastic snapped , sending him backwards into the school and he had spent two weeks finding his way out .
20 Palestinians with relatives still inside Israel could pay two-week visits — many , like Damiani 's wife , have gone wistfully to look from a distance at the homes they once bought and lived in — and the same Israeli spokesman who referred to the Palestinian Arabs as ‘ a community of refugees ’ said that he had himself assisted 40,000 Palestinians to rejoin their families and become Israeli citizens .
21 We were allowed ten minutes to have our coffee and bread before being chased back to the barrack rooms for cleaning and tidying .
22 I heard of a notable exception recently , where the farmer almost encouraged two detectorists to search his seeded fields .
23 He grew up in a world of feud and betrayal , the hedgerow ambush on the country road , the British officers or agents in their rooms , given two minutes to say their prayers and then ‘ plugged ’ through the sheets and blankets of the beds in which they lay .
24 She has since returned 11 times to continue her research on the long-term environmental effects of the US/Vietnam war , and last year published the book The regreening of Vietnam ( The Women 's Press , £17.95hb ) .
25 In humans , for instance , gall bladder emptying elicited by CCK is a slow steady process that generally required 30–60 minutes to reach its maximum .
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