Example sentences of "[vb pp] [coord] i [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The drainage dyke was probably half way down the 1000 metres I had expected and I have easily , in the past , landed the aircraft inside 400 metres .
2 As far as I know , er the levels have now dropped and I do n't think there are any further restrictions , as far as I know .
3 On the day I hit the big Four-O , the fog suddenly lifted and I celebrated non-stop .
4 I do n't think that er , I think that unfortunately some of the older doctors definitely were misinformed and were n't educated and I think nowadays that the doctors are becoming very much more educated and perhaps the ones who have the bad time are the fortunate ones in so far as they 're getting the hormone replacement therapy if they 're lucky and they have sympathetic general practitioner .
5 The numbers coming to meetings can vary from 4 to 24 which is uncomfortable if a speaker is booked and I do not know how many will come .
6 This is something I was trying to get clarified but I do n't care really as long as somebody gets it .
7 The myth that the Legion took anyone was being rapidly disproved and I did n't want to be a victim of it .
8 ‘ But then , when my work 's done and I go home , I 'm happy to be his wife .
9 I think also in those very tough times ahead I think it 's a very difficult decisions to be made about what services are provided erm , and what operation people are actually going to be able to have done and I wonder how much local people are gon na have a chance to say anything about that in the situation in which their health service their health authority is based so far away .
10 Now I know that 's not selected and I do n't make any complaint about that erm far from it er I would not complain ever against the chair but I did introduce erm well I do n't and I would n't but I erm introduced the erm first reading of a bill on this matter yesterday .
11 When I said she was n't here , he asked where she was and I said Maidstone and he said she 'd moved and I said then I did n't know but he could leave the flowers here for Frank but he would n't .
12 ‘ There was no sign to say the drain was uncovered and I fell down it , cutting my leg and ankle and ruining my shoes , socks and slacks , ’ he writes .
13 Or he has written and I have not received it .
14 I said well frankly Cheryl with her record I 'm not in I said she takes off when she pleases , she comes down when she wants something I said she doing me some good at christmas I said I do I quite understand that I said I do understand and I 'm I 've nothing nothing to do with me that 's entirely up to you and she said and you would n't tell me what to do you wo n't change our minds , I said no I 'm not trying to change your minds but you asked me what I would do I said and I think there and now she 's She said and I do n't care what you done , I 'll do I 'll do , I said she 's got hundreds of where they smash the windows and break into so regularly .
15 Most of the points I think have been well , accurately made and I do n't want to stand here making them perhaps less well wrapped and less well , less eloquently .
16 I think erm most of the points as I 've said before , have probably been made and I do n't want to make them any more but I would just make one other when we 're talking about means tested it 's interesting that you 're advocating means testing in that way .
17 Kevin 's been done but I 've not given him anything back in writing yet , which I 've go to do .
18 I ca n't say I approve of what he has done but I do n't ask him and I do n't want to know the details . ’
19 I was as surprised as he was at what time had revealed but I did not join in when his boyish enthusiasm took hold .
20 After he 'd gone Dad said he would consider what Mr Vulcan had said but I knew already what I wanted and I knew Dad would n't object .
21 That was one night after we had stopped and I stayed on and me and the assistant engineer just hooked that up together .
22 The really important thing is that a public context for this has now developed and I do n't think that this can be fundamentally changed despite the impact of AIDS and the revival of the moral right .
23 I called in Doctor Andrews last night — I felt a little shaken and I do n't like that hotel fellow — and he supplied me with the information , ’ was the reply .
24 ‘ But some of the young people in the bar explained and I rushed off to get a camera . ’
25 Mercer , who will have the jaw wired to-morrow , said : ‘ It 's the first serious injury I 've had and I 've never felt as flat as this .
26 I took the brake out slowly , but it was overweighted and I went up with it .
27 Er , I 've been robbed and swindled , er I was burgled two months ago , my house was wrecked all my jewellery every thing taken simply because I had left my windows open slightly , now I 've got to sleep at night with all my windows closed and I do n't get a good nights sleep apart from feeling insecure any way and er the swindle er I trusted people and now I ca n't trust any body and that leaves you feeling very insecure .
28 Elinor [ sic ] Roosevelt had just died and I said how beautiful I thought the message Adlai Stevenson gave to the world .
29 What I had n't expected was the reaction we got here today which is that erm whilst there are smiling dis , he 's smiling now , there are smiling districts who might be pleased to be named as areas in which a major exception might be accommodated and I had n't expected the others would like a bit of it if there was one going too .
30 The door was opened and I went in .
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