Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One must , of course , be infinitely grateful for a source as detailed and informative as Ata'i ; but one must also be careful not to allow simply the approach to the writing of biographies to mislead as well as inform , and not to ignore , in the flood of welcome facts , the more personal , anecdotal material which is given or to be unaware that there is much that is not given , much that is unexplained and perhaps by now unexplainable .
2 One would go too far in saying that by Civizade 's time a scholar could achieve greatness solely through office ; but at the least , such a distinction as that made by Karamani Mehmed Pasa had become almost impossible to make , since greatness ' and " office " had grown so closely intertwined as to be inseparable .
3 Once arrived , the guests found themselves , for most of the time at least , caught up in a ritual of entertainment which was so smoothly organized as to be unnoticeable and , given the Empress 's indefatigable energy , so tiring as to eliminate any possibility of boredom .
4 These are the widespread fictions or myths about the language , some of which are so universally accepted as to be pedagogical orthodoxy .
5 Experience had shown that to be unlikely .
6 Much of the criticism was justified but to be fair to Hodge , he had been placed in an invidious position and , blinkered as he was , in some respects , he was correct in appreciating that a rebuilding of the Korean right offered the only means of preventing communist success in south Korea .
7 It is therefore more important to understand the principles on which such lists are based than to be able to negotiate all the niceties of any particular list .
8 ‘ For a long time the courts have , without objection from Parliament , supplemented procedure laid down in legislation where they have found that to be necessary for this purpose .
9 ‘ For a long time the courts have , without objection from Parliament , supplemented procedure laid down in legislation where they have found that to be necessary for this purpose .
10 People say that if you do n't ask you get told more , but I have never found that to be true .
11 Always used to receiving admiring glances from men , Laura had n't known whether to be pleased or not when the doctor had completely ignored her — clearly having eyes only for Julie .
12 By the time his aunt arrived Jamie was so far recovered as to be able to refuse to go home and to point out , severely , that he would be needed , either to assist the police or to be lead rider in the eleven-thirty class , or possibly both .
13 ‘ to provide the laws under which the object of his charity was to be governed and to be sole judge of the interpretation and application of those laws either by himself or by such person as he should appoint as a visitor … ’
14 All employers and those responsible for buildings are now required to ensure such safety measures are taken and to be able to demonstrate they have done so .
15 It had been made in Austria , I believe , of wool so densely woven as to be impervious to rain .
16 In the Trust House Forte case the court had to interpret the assumption that premises were available for letting for shopping and retail purposes : the issue was whether the premises were to be taken as available for letting purposes only or whether they could be taken as to be available for letting for any other purpose permitted by the lease .
17 For some people the ambition to be liked and to be successful is a contradictory objective .
18 to ensure , so far as is reasonably practicable , that the article is so designed and constructed as to be safe and without risks to health when properly used ;
19 They are required to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable that any plant ( machinery , equipment or appliance ) is so designed and constructed as to be safe and without risk to health .
20 In Cook v. Alexander ( C.A. , 1973 ) qualified privilege was accorded to a " Parliamentary Sketch " which , although impressionistic and selective , was considered by the court to be sufficiently balanced as to be fair and reasonable .
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