Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] they had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 After losing seven goals in two games , Thistle were as resolutely organised as they had previously been chaotically lax .
2 It should be added here that the high clergy hardly recognized that they had actually been exercising a political religious power of a specifically sectarian or monopolistic type .
3 Occasionally it is explained that they had already died — and given the still short life-expectancy of the period this must have been so in many cases .
4 All the inhabitants of La Valdieu turned out to be English and when they had explained that they had all independently ended up at the farm without having had any conscious intention of doing so , my sceptical antennae started twitching .
5 In fact , those who retired prematurely were less likely than those who waited until pension age to have said that they had ever thought seriously about early retirement ( 24 per cent compared with 44 per cent in the age-group 60 and over ) .
6 Just like a dance and they sung and they had just in each station you could hear them in Papa Stronsay we could hear them singing and dancing .
7 Certainly by the last third of the nineteenth century the influences were becoming more noted although they had always been there .
8 It was rumoured that they had already burned farms in other villages , so their mere presence filled the Fontanellatesi with terror .
9 Some of them very negative , and how much they hated doing what they 'd been made to do er , and others very surprisingly made it known that they had thoroughly enjoyed it .
10 A group of so-called " ethical ministers " , led by Economy Minister Marcilio Marques Moreira and including Justice Minister Célio Borja and Bornhausen , made it known that they had only signed this " pact " in order to ensure the governability of the country , and not out of loyalty to Collor .
11 The field of government activity and interest extended rapidly , and the size of the Cabinet with it ; and at the same time Ministers found — particularly with an economy weakened by the war — that these new problems were both more complex and inter-related than they had perhaps expected .
12 ‘ I must say I 'd have been happier , ’ said Rose , when everyone was suited and they had all sunk into their chairs , ‘ if Viola had kept away .
13 They were also asked if they had ever consulted a doctor about recurrent bowel symptoms or abdominal pain .
14 Professor Roesdahl , of Aarhus University , Denmark , who is one of the chief organisers , explains that Scandinavian scholars had been planning a major show on the Vikings for some time , and the French became involved because they had also wanted to hold such an exhibition , partly to examine the Viking role in Normandy .
15 All children were considered to be constipated because they had either <3 bowel movements per week or painful bowel movements , or a rectal impaction , or an abdominal faecal mass on physical examination , or all four .
16 Thus , for example , when asked whether they had ever thought seriously about early retirement before the prospect of redundancy was raised , less than one-quarter had done so .
17 Fourth , many participants frankly admitted that they had very low expectations at the outset : specifically that the course was simply designed to punish them , in return for which they would give the minimum amount of attention possible .
18 Three of these 30 patients ( two in the cyclosporin group and one in the placebo group ) were excluded because they had previously undergone colectomy for refractory colitis .
19 The Prussian government passed legislation designed to Germanise landholdings in the border districts , but these laws were so badly framed and so crudely implemented that they had exactly the reverse effect from that intended .
20 Her soft blue eyes hardened as they had never done before in her life and she met his gaze head-on .
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