Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] it [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 What was remarkable , and commendable , was that once the tragedy had begun , quicker than anybody else in Germany , the Crown Prince realised where it would lead .
2 Fast free kicks are ok ( as along as the ball is stopped I think ) what was very illegal was the fact that the free kick was taken from a COMPLETELY different spot to where the foul took place , so the Leeds player were ( justifiably ) waiting for the ball to be placed where it should have been .
3 Among other things , Christopher said Western assistance must be better co-ordinated and targeted where it can have the greatest impact .
4 Above all territory must be effectively occupied or it would fall to the partisans ; this kept French troops from the battlefield .
5 From the ascription on the first page of H400D , Te Deum Simple Le feu Roy ayant voulu qu'il ne dura guere plus que sa messe ordinaire ( ‘ Simple Te Deum , the late King having wished that it will last little more than his usual mass ’ ) , we can deduce that this score , or at least this inscription , must be dated between the death of Louis XIV in September 1715 , and that of the composer , in June 1726 .
6 One might perhaps have expected that it would have been impossible to discharge him from hospital , but the local authority , which shares parental responsibility for him , has been able to place him with devoted foster parents whose dedication and skill are of the highest possible order .
7 Though this project is principally concerned with the city of Edinburgh its relevance is much wider , to British cities in general and it is expected that it will demonstrate how land-owners , builders , house factors and other interests in property were able to control the pace and pattern of urban development largely to their own ends without recognising the long term consequences for the physical shape and quality of the housing and building stock and its long term impact on modern society in terms of street lay outs , maintenance and repairs , and the availability of open spaces .
8 In a muddled way , he expected that she might fall into his arms , that he would be able to comfort her and that one thing would lead to another ; and so absorbed had he become in the effect Sam 's death would have on his own affairs , that he had forgotten that it might have some other effect on Martha 's .
9 With its aim of achieving ‘ a greater unity between its Members for the purpose of safeguarding and realising the ideals and principles which are their common heritage and facilitating their economic and social progress ’ , the new body became Western Europe 's first postwar political organisation , one which immediately and daringly claimed that it would work for ‘ an economic and political union ’ .
10 Nobody has claimed that it can clear the infectious organism , HIV , from a person 's system .
11 However , USL has recently claimed that it will configure Destiny to run applications of all persuasions — including Solaris — ( UX No 380 ) , Zander says ‘ if they can do that they 're better than anyone in the world . ’
12 At the start of his first visit — to Thailand on Sept. 26-30 — the Emperor told King Bhumibol Adulyadej that Japan had " resolved that it would live as a nation of peace , so that it should never repeat the horrors of that most unfortunate war " , and that Japan had made " unremitting efforts " to build " new friendships " in the region .
13 The report by the inquiry inspector , Sir Frank Layfield , into the Sizewell PWR had recommended that it should go ahead .
14 This thing looked like it would capsize if it collided with a rubber duck in a bath .
15 Wallace 's goal looked like it might have got a deflection .
16 We would n't still be doing it if we did n't feel that it was creating enough profit in the meantime , and looked like it could create more as it went along . ’
17 Ideally this should be done before candidates are interviewed but it can happen that differences in preferences for candidates reveal different opinions between board members which the chairman can detect and deal with .
18 A CONTROVERSIAL plan to charge foreign three-day-event riders a £500-a-season licence fee to compete in Britain has been dropped because it could run up against European regulations .
19 The agreement was cancelled because it should have been put out to competitive bidding .
20 Rapid social change is not recommended since it will disrupt social order .
21 Has the Minister considered whether it would make more sense if young men and women from working-class families who leave school at 16 or 17 and are thrown into slave labour schemes where they earn a little over £20 a week , but who want to stay on at school , could stay on and be paid a sum equivalent to what they would get on training schemes ?
22 Having defined your process model using the process model definition language , the pmodel module must be entered into LIFESPAN and installed before it will take effect .
23 YOU CAN usually spot a UK rap production a mile off — strapped for cash in an inadequate studio , British talent is too often stifled before it can start to grow .
24 When fostering a new born animal toe clipping is not recommended as it may encourage cannibalism .
25 * Reheating coffee is not recommended as it can develop a very bitter flavour .
26 One view , which is supported by the judgment of Lord Denning M.R. in the Court of Appeal in Lonrho is that ‘ it is sufficient if the [ unlawful means ] conspiracy is aimed or directed at the plaintiff and it can reasonably be foreseen that it may injure him , and does in fact injure him ’ and the Supreme Court of Canada has since stated the law in similar terms in a decision in which Lonrho was considered .
27 Men went down the main shaft and tried to clear it by shovelling the slurry into tubs which were then hauled to the surface but this was soon abandoned as it was realised that it would take weeks or months to clear a way through to the trapped men .
28 It is , of course , true that , had she paused to consider the matter , the woman might have realised that it could prove difficult to acquire a gun and that she would be able to seek help once he had left .
29 From these figures , it was calculated that it would take some 100 years for the cut and cut-and-burnt sites to attain biomass levels of the original forest , while for the bulldozed forests , it is estimated that 1000 years would be needed .
30 I did n't look at my watch , but I found out later it had stopped so it would have been wrong anyway .
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