Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [pron] be going " in BNC.

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1 She 's guessed where we 're going , thought Tug .
2 Well I 'd forgotten that you were going out and I ma I was going to make a chilli .
3 Eth ethically the Government have cleared it and in fact have forecast that it 's going to be the one .
4 and we looked on it more as a party and a family gathering and showing everybody else that we were now committed and we 're going to spend the rest of our lives together .
5 Once specified , these problem behaviours can be talked about to the child and clear guidelines given about what is expected and what is going to happen if the child continues to misbehave .
6 The reality was that he seemed to have been forgotten and nothing was going to serve as a reminder unless the kidnappers broke their silence .
7 ’ — but when he heard what the fees would be if he stayed he decided that he was hanged if he was going to spend all that money on being upset .
8 Unir wanted to wait and push the stuff for Windows NT but then changed its mind when Sun Microsystems Inc brought out the Sun Classic workstation and looked like it was going to get a larger installed base .
9 Ian Stark once said of his great mount Murphy Himself that if Murphy 's ears were really pricked while they were going round a cross country course that he was probably out of control !
10 She had n't realised that they were going to breakfast in the suite or even that she would share breakfast with him .
11 Jesus ' audience , however , would not have recognised the ‘ son ’ as Jesus because they would not have realised that he was going to die .
12 Not of course that the reasoning is invalid , or that the paradigm itself can not be questioned when it is sensed that something is going wrong ; indeed it is its destiny to lead eventually to intolerable anomalies and be replaced by another .
13 Had she sensed that anything was going on beneath the conventional exchange ?
14 He had explained that he was going to see Eloise , in the hope she might be willing to sell him something .
15 The management team had , I 'll sit down if you do n't mind , the management team has decided that we were going to go for quality because it was a matter of survival .
16 And what you might need to start thinking about as well is how could you illustrate some of these , already around you in the room , going up , work from year nine where they have started writing that as a complaint to god , moaning about Hurricane Andrew , about earthquakes and floods and so on and they 've decided that they 're going to illustrate the work they 're doing with these paper cuttings of disasters and problems in the world , there 's one up here about a gorilla that 's been taken from the wild and is in captivity in London Zoo and they said that they think it 's wrong .
17 ‘ Well , now that we 've decided that nothing is going to happen tonight that does n't happen every Saturday night in Pepe 's Bar , tell me — why on earth can you even think for a second that Miguel is falling for me ? ’
18 Billy Sullivan had decided that he was going to own his own gymnasium one day and the idea grew in his mind until it became an obsession .
19 You see I 've decided that I 'm going to leave Clinique the the expensive make-up er for some , you know until I get myself re-established financially .
20 When I 'd checked the pin positions in the morning I 'd decided that it was going to be someone already under par who would be in a position to win next day as opposed to someone coming through the field , because I just could n't see anybody scoring well .
21 They have come to their agreement , they have done their job well , and they have produced and excellent education system and the blip which he is talking about is one which is forced on us at the present time by a Conservative Government , who has decided that there is going to be no further expansion in the school service which we 're providing , and indeed is imposing upon us cuts which are going to mean that we reduce those services , and to argue that from a point of view that it 's a considered piece of policy from a Government which if I has introduced , if I may say , Poll Tax , an economy which is a disaster area , exports in nothing happening there , inflation
22 Hal 's cooking was becoming more and more rushed , the fatty 's felt that they were going to become thin in a matter of seconds and the ‘ skinnys ’ were very hungry .
23 The government has now said that they 're going to order oil companies to install shut off valves below platforms .
24 How many people have said that they 're going so far ?
25 And you see now what the Government have said that they are going to accept that there are going to be two key authorities in some counties .
26 Holmes had told Stapleton that he would return to London , but he had not said that I was going too .
27 Monsieur Mitterand has already said that he 's going to seek to drive a harder bargain with Britain over fishing limits even than President Giscard was trying to do , and I think our negotiators must expect a rather tough time as far as fisheries are concerned .
28 Yes , er I 'm very worried about this aspect of er whose finger er on the nuclear trigger , because the nuclear referee in the Soviet Union is divided between mainly peace states , Russia , Ukraine and , now Boris Yeltsin has said that he is going to protect his Russian minorities in Ukraine and , now I fear that if that comes to some kind of a conflict then it 'll be very uncertain as to what arrangement could be made about er , honouring international agreement and about ultimately too er , any kind of nuclear er congregation .
29 Had he said that he was going to his death in Lucifer 's inferno ?
30 We are angry at the way Labour is being presented and we are going to go for them . ’
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