Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [pron] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By the end of the first lap he was in the lead group , following Klementiev , Bohacs and Zereske with Bartunek already in the process of being dropped and no-one else in sight .
2 Britons have a deep-seated belief , fostered by the popular press and some politicians , that they are more heavily taxed than anyone else in the world except perhaps the Swedes .
3 A briefing paper presented to him on Dec. 18 , 1989 , by comparison , had argued that anything up to 80,000 Pacific-based US personnel could be withdrawn by the end of fiscal 1994 , saving around $3,600 million , and that two light infantry divisions on standby postings in Alaska and Hawaii could also safely be withdrawn .
4 On payment of the requisite fee your qualifications will be validated and your up to date details recorded on the SPR .
5 Food was rationed and anything not on ration was in great demand such as wild rabbits .
6 But , true to its timid traditions , the English crimi nal justice system still excludes these videos from court hearings be cause of the hearsay rule ; a rule which has never been definitively formulated but which crudely pre vents statements made out of court by a witness to someone else being admissible .
7 Unfortunately , little is known about her life , however , it is understood that she regularly for the National Geographic magazine , for whom she did some of their earliest published colour photography .
8 Gorbachev invited the major capitalist countries to undertake a ‘ sober , constructive assessment ’ of problems of this kind , based if nothing else on their common need for self-preservation .
9 But when it became known that someone ostensibly in the top echelon of the regime was no longer seen at the Ceauşescus ' palace at the nightly film shows or for chess , then whatever the victim 's ostensible rank , his own hangers-on would begin to look for another patron .
10 There is a strong thriller element to the novel , particularly in the last part , in which Piero is tracked down by the agents of what is portrayed as something close to a police or military state in the underground corridors of the prison-like block of flats where Charles lives and the fugitive has been hiding .
11 X is defined as something very like a human eye , sufficiently similar that the human eye could plausibly have arisen by a single alteration in X. If you have a mental picture of X and you find it implausible that the human eye could have arisen directly from it , this simply means that you have chosen the wrong K. Make your mental picture of X progressively more like a human eye , until you find an K that you do find plausible as an immediate predecessor to the human eye .
12 Good grief , no sooner has the final whistle blown than we here at Athletico Whaddon are gearing ourselves up ready for the hurly-burly of next season 's campaign .
13 Typically , you use an analysis or description of a text to claim some kind of connection between the features analysed and something else about the text , such as its meaning , its effect on a reader , how good it is , or its historical origins .
14 we do n't really need to go any further because we 've found it 's not balanced but we just for completeness , how many Cs on this side ?
15 He should never be regarded as someone only to be approached when a prescription is required or when some serious breakdown in health occurs .
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