Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 While I was struggling to stop it , frost was formed where it struck my already cold hand .
2 Because of the way he was looking , his parted lips , his wondering eyes , she felt desire , a flicker of it , the first sign , the first time for months , a movement like a string being plucked where she thought her womb was .
3 My flower — the one that I remember best out of many — was gathered where I said it had been .
4 Nigel had reasoned that , as most washing originated where one divested oneself of one 's dirty clothes and bed linen , i.e. the top floor , it was poor time-and-motion study to have the cleaning apparatus on the ground floor .
5 The patches can then be located where you want them among the preamp 's memory locations ( or programs ) , and then called up by a MIDI pedal .
6 Have you ever put something of value in a ‘ safe place ’ , and then forgotten where you put it ?
7 Newbon disclosed that he told his former managing director a couple of years ago : ‘ I could get Oxford United very cheaply , ’ — but his boss was n't interested .
8 ‘ I would not for a moment have it supposed that I mean anything derogatory to Dr. Yeats … but human nature is fallible .
9 The crowd gave a good send-off to the latter when he was substituted so I suppose he did well .
10 For example one woman set fire to her kitchen accidentally and the carer , her neighbour , realised that it would not be safe for her to remain at home ; another carer , a husband , found himself becoming so stressed that he struck his wife ; he then requested institutional care .
11 He thought he was being attacked so he defended himself .
12 And , anyway , she was n't so deluded that she thought they might make a life together .
13 They should not be discharged immediately they reach their target weights , but should become accustomed to eating normal meals rather than the high-energy diet necessary for weight gain .
14 She had n't forgotten that she owed him taxi money .
15 He had forgotten that he held it in his hand .
16 ‘ Have you forgotten that I know you were involved with him six years ago ?
17 I 'd forgotten that I pay you a salary !
18 It was claimed that they poured their drinks over the counter and then smashed their beer glasses .
19 Many would have claimed that it served none , that it was but the result of the Fall and of sin , and that it brought only harm and hurt to the world .
20 That there was a pattern for her in Lermontov 's novel is conceivable : but it ca n't be claimed that it fits her with exactitude , or that it provides an explanation of her conduct .
21 A fourth man , said to have provided the bomb , has added that they had nothing to do with it .
22 Several times he almost stopped himself , but it felt so good to be unburdened that he let his tongue defy his better judgement .
23 ‘ You had n't considered that it had nothing to do with you , I suppose ?
24 Like most LIFESPAN activities , CREFDL will inform you of its progress as it works , so it is recommended that you run it from a hard copy terminal , or log the session to a file .
25 As the number of tickets available at the museum is limited it is recommended that you purchase your tickets before you travel .
26 He clearly thought he had won and it annoyed her .
27 On the dashboard in front of him the radio crackled and he picked it up .
28 Her colour deepened and she bit her lip and looked down at her plate .
29 God , he was so gorgeous … her hands were moving on to his strong thoat , thrusting into his black hair , she was losing her head again as the kiss deepened and she heard him give a low growl of harsh excitement , his mouth increasing the pressure until Rachel was obliterated by him , dazed , clutching him with shaking hands , gasping hoarsely against his mouth , feeling his strong hands move swiftly up to her breasts to stroke her nipples and force a long hoarse cry of exquisite desire from her .
30 ‘ I shall not only be deeply wounded if you spurn my offerings , I sha n't know what to do with the things .
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