Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [verb] of the " in BNC.

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1 Almost without exception , the visitors who turn up this road do so having heard or read of the ‘ parallel roads ’ , a remarkable geological antiquity found in other Scottish glens but nowhere as clearly defined as in Glen Roy .
2 The passage also shows that Freemantle sometimes misunderstood or disapproved of the social content in her friend 's verses .
3 The only real element of surprise lay in the fact that little had been seen or heard of the extremists since the Republicans ' dramatic rise on the West German political scene in 1989 .
4 Nothing more was seen or heard of the two men , and after a few days , the event was forgotten .
5 Little has been seen or heard of the V of R this year , but apparently there have been something of an upheaval in the Company at the end of the season and few people are now employed .
6 I have n't felt that melt of the heart since Cameron , she thought .
7 Detection in the heteroplasmic strain of a new transcript whose size matched that expected of the fusion transcript indicated that the deleted genomes were indeed transcribed .
8 a ) Teacher unions should be consulted and advised of the aims and procedures of any Compacts established .
9 Old servants of the railway company came into the signal-box from which the broadcast was given and spoke of the closing of the station as if for them it was the end of a world .
10 When a decision has been reached , all concerned will be recalled and informed of the decision of the disciplinary committee .
11 I am more certain of that than I am of anything in my life , and although it is a slow and at times agonizing road I tread , the time will come when I shall be heard and cleared of the indictment held against me .
12 This is not to use the term ‘ romantic ’ in the pejorative sense in which it must be used when speaking of the film made of The Happy Return , in which Lady Barbara , envisaged as a coy , magazine-cover blonde ( and without the hereditary Wellesley nose ) fluttered her eyelashes at Gregory Peck as an equally improbable Hornblower .
13 a specially coded hyphen which is only displayed when formatting of the hyphenated word puts it at the end of a line .
14 The customer must be notified or warned of the following where applicable : ( a ) That collateral will not be registered in his name ; ( b ) That that part of the proceeds of sale of his collateral that exceeds the amount owed by the customer to the firm will be subject , on the firm 's default , to the pooling rules under the client money regulations .
15 Shakespeare is the most widely known and read of the classical playwrights and it is for this reason that a piece from one of his plays is nearly always obligatory at a drama school audition .
16 Two coats had been stolen from a car at the back of Cross Street , but the thief was later arrested and cleared of the Oliver case .
17 ‘ Drivers must stop their cars immediately before passing under railway bridges at Selhurst Station and Selby Road and conductors must mount the stairs and ascertain that all passengers are seated and warned of the danger . ’
18 The elite Republican Guard , the best trained and equipped of the Iraqi ground forces , are deployed along the northern border of Kuwait .
19 Just as he had been wont to do as a boy , so this morning after waking , he had lain and thought of the day ahead and what he had to do in it , and he was aware that life had taken on a tinge of colour .
20 In a report to the London Hazards Centre , Michael Meacher , then Shadow Employment Secretary , was quoted as saying of the Conservatives :
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