Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] in " in BNC.

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1 Now this man had approached and addressed him in English and in an upper-class accent too .
2 Anyway , I really was going to take the spell off straight away , but of course you have to go hopping off and get caught and land us in this mess . ’
3 And suddenly he dragged her struggling against him , and clamped her there while his hard mouth sought and found hers in a violent kiss , forcing her lips apart , his hand holding the back of her head like a vice while she kicked and hit and struggled .
4 What is at issue is whether improved resource levels should be used to make special schools internally more satisfactory , doing what they have historically done but doing it in some sense more efficiently , or whether those resources are used in an attempt to improve the general education service in ways which might reduce its need for transferring pupils to special schools .
5 Here Ashley designed her tiles , painted and fired them in a small kiln .
6 Make sure the macaroni is well drained and place it in a bowl along with the celery , onion , parsley , green and red peppers , salts and pepper .
7 And best of all , the Royston , Hertfordshire-based company has simply taken technology that it has already developed and used it in a creative way , which means the newspaper should be relatively cheap — no pricing was available , however , as the firm builds bespoke systems to suit a customers individual needs .
8 and criticizing the royal family , we have admired and criticized them in the course of the last half hour .
9 To join , just complete the simple Enrolment Form enclosed and return it in the pre-paid envelope provided .
10 Many people own a share of this gold badge with me , my wife and family , who have helped and supported me in whatever I have been involved in especially Betty .
11 To furnish the interior authentically , the owner sought out period items — panelled doors , chimney pieces , etc — from local buildings that were to be demolished and installed them in appropriate positions .
12 It has challenged and tested us in many ways .
13 A family of brothers , fathers and uncles on the front table took an instant dislike to me and , slamming their pints on the table , sat back with arms crossed and regarded me in stony-faced silence .
14 The man in the bushes by the gate still worried her but I found it easy to isolate him from our friendship , although she felt now that he was trying to gas her ; the fumes from someone 's central heating outlet , discernible on the otherwise pure air , had inspired and confirmed her in this idea .
15 Then , after the old guy has examined , weighed and wrapped it in a turquoise napkin , we get our gold , in little ingots the size of collar studs .
16 In typical Whig language , Ferguson concluded that the Sovereign having no other Ground of claim to any Power or Prerogative , save what he hath from the Constitution which hath settled and vested them in him , That Prince who goes about to overthrow this , does all he can to cancel his own Right .
17 Equally , it is also important for parents to apologise to their children when they have wronged or harmed them in some way .
18 Her concern that the sisters living a life of contemplative discipline should in one respect be totally unrestricted — in their access to , and possession of , books — and the fact that , evidently , the brothers of the order both encouraged and instructed them in the knowledge of theological traditions , illuminates , and is symptomatic of , the problems faced by women who wished to live out their faith and give an articulate account of their experience .
19 The old woman came and silently cleared away , without once looking at me , even when I pointed at the few cakes left and praised them in my stilted Greek ; the hermit master evidently liked silent servants .
20 Emily snapped her mirror shut and replaced it in her handbag .
21 In the darkness the Prince gave a short , barking laugh , ingested a large mouthful of water , choked and expelled it in panic through nose and mouth at once .
22 Look kindly on the tasks we have begun and assist us in our further undertakings .
23 They was t that tried to be the strike breakers and there was several of their buses turned over you 've probably read that have you in the
24 It was this strange subterranean thumping that had wakened and drawn her in the first place .
25 Yeoman described and illustrated it in an article in the Gentleman 's Magazine in March 1748 , and is known to have erected one at Northampton .
26 He and Fonda retired to their trailer , smoked some marijuana and then came out and told the crowd of local youths that they should imagine that the two of them had just arrived in town , and , on the way , they had picked up a local girl of fifteen , and raped and left her in the bushes .
27 It then borrows the capital required and invests it in the asset .
28 Remove the pots as soon as the seedlings have germinated but keep them in a warm , light position .
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