Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [verb] [prep] local " in BNC.

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1 It will prevent councils from selling open space for commercial gain if the land was given or bequeathed to local people for sport or recreation .
2 All have been affected by the Post-glacial rise of sea level , but in the second class this may have been accentuated or nullified by local land movements .
3 Moreover , the policing of the picket line was organised and controlled by local police officers according to a ‘ hearts and minds ’ philosophy : the Chief Constable of South Yorkshire sensibly recognised that almost every family in Sheffield had connections with the steelworkers and was keen to ensure that the police did not alienate themselves from the wider community .
4 Local community-based education projects , even when organised and controlled by local people , often mirrored the very education offered by traditional providers and rejected by a large section of the working class .
5 Local authority spending per se is not included but grants to local authorities and their total capital spending are .
6 The Strone and Maukinhill Information Education Project was operated and controlled by local residents and financially supported by the local education authority .
7 Although this particular initiative was successful in providing a community education service operated and controlled by local people , and subsidised by the local authority , it was very limited in scope .
8 The Bill would require all agencies in the private , voluntary and public sectors to be registered and inspected by local authority registration and inspection units .
9 Moreover , especially as monies became tight , much new provision was actually developed and provided within local communities using resources other than those available within the social services department itself .
10 First , the Social Services Inspectorate is concerned with quality standards in services provided or contracted by local authority social services departments .
11 The Leicester project illustrates that college resources can be taken to the community and their use jointly negotiated and controlled with local residents .
12 They have been updated and supplemented by local authorities ' own guidelines , covering procedures , training and pupil-teacher ratios , ranging in Strathclyde 's case from 10-1 for easy hillwalking to 5-1 for walking on difficult ridges .
13 In particular , the moves in education to allow schools to become self-governing has shifted finance normally allocated and controlled by local authorities back to central government , whilst the selling of council houses has reduced both the size of the public housing sector controlled by local authorities and the level of financial control that accompanied this .
14 Doctors feared that their own functions would ultimately be supplanted or controlled by local authority health services and their opposition slowed the development of the inspection and treatment of schoolchildren .
15 Instead of the elections earlier promised for April 1990 , it provided for a loya jirga or grand assembly of over 2,000 members ( 10 from each of 216 districts in Afghanistan plus 15 from each of the seven groups based in Peshawar , either elected or chosen by local councils ) which would select first a new government and parliament .
16 Curriculum reform , whether it is centrally determined or based on local or in-school planning , is generally held to be impossible unless it is firmly based on a plan for public examinations .
17 Municipal theatres , which are an essential part of arts provision in this country , are funded and run by local authorities .
18 These are means tested and supervised by local authorities .
19 The future of these private establishments largely depends on whether , after April 1993 , the local authority will agree to continue funding such residents ; a decision which will be influenced , hopefully , by whether the quality of care provided in these establishments is acceptable to local authorities , and whether standards can be maintained and improved by local authority monitoring procedures .
20 Birmingham was quite independent of the party and as late as 1929 was not afraid to show its independence : in that year Neville Chamberlain complained bitterly when he discovered that the Party Chairman had written to businesses in Birmingham for contributions to party funds , for this was regarded as poaching from local preserves .
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