Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [verb] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 Members were told the weighbridge had already been installed and work on some of the other projects had also begun .
2 All listings for the final thesaurus must be converted to the format appropriate for typing , printing or input to a computer database , and each feature checked , edited and tested on some examples .
3 Michael X/Abdul Malik , for example , was respected and liked by some of It 's editorial board , such as Bill Levy and Jim Haynes .
4 However , the research design was inevitably constrained and shaped to some extent by the requirements of the action project .
5 The protest had to be contained and drawn to some form of conclusion without any further loss of face or foreign investment .
6 Voting was prevented or disrupted in some areas by military operations when soldiers took advantage of the truce .
7 Some fungi , bacteria and viruses are likely to be present in most ponds and aquaria , but that these do not cause problems until fish are injured or weakened in some way .
8 the task can be systematized or programmed in some way so that others can carry out the routines strictly to your requirements , thus reoccurring items are frequently delegated without undue risks being incurred
9 the bankruptcy of some person who is or may become beneficially entitled to any such property or income ; or 2. an assignment of or a charge on any such property or income being made or given by some such person ; or 3. in the case of a marriage settlement , the death of both parties to the marriage and of all or any of the children of the marriage ; or 4. the death under the age of 25 or some lower age of some person who would be beneficially entitled to that property or income on attaining that age .
10 Paragraph ( e ) would be particularly relevant where the purchaser required the goods to be made or adapted from some use for which the seller did not normally supply goods .
11 At its most dangerous this can allow unsavoury political or social practices to be ‘ forgiven ’ because they are presented as stemming from some cultural constant within a society .
12 And in all three , what is autonomous ( or authentic ) is what is seen as originating in some way from within the self ; what is in some way untainted by the conditioning or manipulation to which a woman has previously been subjected .
13 Both Rasta and Skin can be seen as bids for some kind of dignity , for what the late Pete Meadon , original mod and one-time manager of The Who once called ‘ clean living under difficult circumstances ’ : grace under pressure .
14 Female criminals are often seen as suffering from some physical or mental pathology ( disease ) and the courts still accept the arguments , that female offenders have biological problems , with the menopause , pregnancy , pre-menstrual tension and so on regularly used as explanations or excuses for their criminality .
15 With it , we are back with the problems of identity , specifically those of projection , the process by which certain aspects of the self are seen as located in some object external to the self , and of introjection , the process by which certain aspects of external objects are seen as being located within the self ; we are firmly back in the area of object-relations .
16 The day before , while driving his car , he had been stopped and charged with some trivial traffic offence .
17 A copyright owner can , of course , grant permission or issue a licence or contract for a work to be copied or reproduced in some way , either in part of whole .
18 The latter would be about three of four inches away from the outer , transparent skin and its surface would be mirrored or coated in some reflective material .
19 Some document that erm was produced and lost at some point or .
20 This further split between train and station catering was rigidly enforced and led to some extremes of rivalry .
21 After being demolished and outgunned by some indifferent players , he attempted to use the new compounds , but to no avail .
22 The general management approach of the second wave was recognised and practised by some managers some time before the appearance of the Griffiths recommendations , especially after the structural ‘ tidying up ’ of 1982 .
23 But given the ineptitude displayed when dealing with some elementary features , e.g. the placing of the base of the cantharus , in pI .
24 I am not trying to suggest that there is some conspiracy at work to centralise the importance of Shakespeare when it should be more widely shared or go to some other figure .
25 This behaviour , observed by many owners when their pets have been chastised or corrected in some way , is usually referred to as a dignified sulk .
26 Legitimate : ( a ) etymologically , the word expresses a status , which has been conferred or ratified by some authority ; ( b ) conformable to law or rule .
27 These options can be tailored to suit if you find they are n't easily remembered or clash with some other option .
28 Allowed to choose her hairdresser , Carole Ann Ford plumped for an up-and-coming young stylist she had known and visited for some time named Vidal Sassoon .
29 It worries me that turning a blind eye to the deliberate starvation of these patients is portrayed as contributing in some way to the high ethical standards of the nursing profession . ’
30 she said , she had found when dealing with some of these of kids up where they live , that erm , a quiet talk there and then , only talk .
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