Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [ex0] were [det] " in BNC.

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1 It had been calculated that there were some six and a half thousand living American Oxonians , many of them leading distinguished careers as a result of their education .
2 It was felt that there were many worrying aspects to the legislation .
3 In looking for a situation , Allen recalled reading that a script was more likely to be accepted if there were few characters and few scene changes , making it cheaper to produce .
4 They said they were warned yesterday that the Washington area centre would also be privatised if there were any problems in its running .
5 The evidence is that when free concessionary travel was withdrawn fewer trips were made and there were fewer elderly bus passenger casualties .
6 I was given to believe that would have been in the flat also we thought that st was going to be in there possibly a wife and it was n't said whether there were any children .
7 The final galas of the 1992 Surrey County Championships have been completed and there were more medals for Haslemere swimmers .
8 Le Moignan has talked about retiring in two years ' time , but that could be hastened if there were another loss to Opie , who has made a determined comeback after defeats in the world and British opens .
9 There was an Inn at the village where travellers stayed until there were enough of them to go forward in confidence .
10 We had always known that there were many people looking for a historic building to restore but had not realized the extent , which was very encouraging .
11 It was estimated that it would take them two to three weeks to get to the Falklands and therefore , theoretically , the decision could be rescinded if there were some kind of diplomatic breakthrough .
12 The site that was identified or potentially identified by by the house builders in York was a site which both the County Council and the District Council considered performed a number of greenbelt functions , I think that it would be accepted that in any development plan land should only be allocated if there were some degree of certainty that it would come forward for development within the plan period , the site that was identified , there had been no objections made to the Southern Ryedale local plan so therefore there were no indications that it would have come forward for development within that plan period anyway , had it been identified , had it been allocated .
13 The Major had told us that he was plagued with poachers , particularly since the new road had been driven up the hill from the Aberfeldy side ; and that he very much doubted if there were any fish left in Loch a'Chait .
14 We had also observed that there were those on the other side of the divide who were watching us .
15 I was lucky enough not to be on his list , but it was widely believed that there were more arrests to come .
16 And what , pray , was The Sun Justice would be better served if there were fewer judges from Brasenose College , Oxford , and more Sun readers from the University of Life on the Bench . ’
17 More recently , it has been estimated that there were some 20,000 black people in Britain in the eighteenth century and , in the nineteenth century , substantial numbers of Irish entered the country , especially following the potato famine of the 1840s .
18 Innovation and experimentation in the classroom , both in educational content and teaching methods , were discussed but there were few examples to be seen in practice .
19 Two contrasting features mark the relations between Rome and the Greek world during the fifth and fourth centuries B.C. On the one hand commercial relations must have decreased because there were fewer Greek imports than in the sixth century .
20 A deleterious effect of regular NSAID intake on ulcer healing can not be excluded since there were few patients at risk .
21 In effect , it is as if the woman making the bar magnets suddenly realized that there were more questions to be asked about her job ; that pressing the button was not really much of an answer to the question ‘ How do you make magnets ? ’
22 However , the survey also established that there were some contradictions : the favourable attitudes to wind turbines were not based on firsthand experience of windmills , and to a certain extent their positive response was based on the belief that wind power would be much cheaper than other sources ( since the fuel is free ! ) , a belief which in fact might not be the case at the current stage of development .
23 It has also been suggested that there were many signs available to Mrs Whitehouse that , in her terms , all was not well within the Church , and that this reinforced her view that the established order was under threat , and that urgent action was necessary .
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