Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [adv] [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 evicted and then she could come back again .
2 It was as if he was looking for something so ill-defined , so vaguely comprehended that even he could not say what it was .
3 With fitzAlan , de Villiers and a chastened but still influential Bishop of Winchester listening to every word , Isabel had answered as best she could in the hope that by doing so she might appease her conscience .
4 For the loss of her he had compensated as best he could , first with the imaginary friend he called Rip , then with the moor itself , but in May he thought of her still and with a curious longing .
5 Communism had been his religion , the romantic , revolutionary communism of 1917 and Petrograd and the streets full of soldiers and sailors and workers and red flags and armoured cars that looked as if they were made of galvanised steel buckets , and the cruiser Aurora out on the river with its searchlight blazing — now there was a fairground panel he could have painted if only he could have got away with it — but it was n't the same any more .
6 Er but the plan itself the DOPACS units have n't been actually completed and therefore they could be running at a loss .
7 We were told that typically it could increase the level of instalments by about seven per cent — say , 35p on top of a £5 instalment .
8 Pressing his hand against her bosom or kissing his fingers softly and reverently , she told him that she knew and had always known that only she could make him happy , that there was already a mystical bond between them and that if she could not soon feel his arms about her and his lips upon her own , she would sink away into despair .
9 When she woke , her husband had gone and outside she could hear horses in the street .
10 But we actually needed a procedure , that procedure was followed as best we could by borrowing another rule and it was achieved at the end of the day .
11 By 1960 all Soviet technicians had been recalled , taking their blueprints with them and leaving the factories to be finished as best they could be .
12 He may have survived if only he could have found it .
13 Gradually , almost imperceptibly , the light strengthened and soon he could make out the shape of boats , the mexeflote causeway and the patchwork of woods and fields on the island .
14 Remaining hidden as best he could , he glanced down the street both ways .
15 It was suggested that surely we could spare one , or even two , to put in a token appearance now and then ?
16 And most people were desperate to get stuff in them days , you know they did n't want to wait till the following week so they tried to get it paid as best they could
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