Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] n't " in BNC.

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1 Er so that 's an item included that we did n't have on ours .
2 They 've got to keep the passengers occupied so they do n't start worrying about how the plane manages to stay up in the air . ’
3 To which could be added that you do n't need to be the best to be top , if the ballerina Lyudmila Semenyaka is to be believed .
4 It was n't long after the conversation about the Ivor Novello Award that he became much more resolved that he did n't need Ken Pitt as manager , so I said to him that the only thing he could do in that case was to get an attorney who would break the contract .
5 I decided it was just because she had n't mattered that it had n't been worth shocking her .
6 Maybe plants should be designed so they do n't need to be shut down .
7 A Shamen show is designed so you do n't just stand and stare at the band : and though the live act might be the heart of the show , the spectacle of Colin ( cropped Aberdeen curls , Trotsky shades ) , and Will ( shoulder length braided locks , shabby green fatigues ) is only part of an evening of light , music and effects that now involves around ten people .
8 She had fully expected Penry to dismiss them as nonsense , and felt so shattered that he had n't that it took her longer than usual to clear away and leave the kitchen immaculate .
9 Soon , though , we hit a Catch-22 : I could get funding for more equipment if there was a ‘ group ’ organised , but no village women wanted to be organised if they did n't have machines .
10 ‘ My morale wo n't be shattered if we do n't win , I suppose we 're going for second place .
11 ‘ It is disappointing because he was just getting the hang of Wimbledon and he would have won if he had n't taken the knock at the first bend , ’ said Williams .
12 He had n't exaggerated and he had n't tried to make the SS seem worse than they really were , the way everyone had assumed . ’
13 As far as I know , er the levels have now dropped and I do n't think there are any further restrictions , as far as I know .
14 Steve asked reproachfully as if he did n't want to get blamed if it had n't .
15 But round here you could go to sleep , wake up in the morning and half the flat 's have been burnt down and shops have been looted and you do n't know where you are .
16 I want to look dark and menacing ; the way I ought to look , the way I should look , the way I might have looked if I had n't had my little accident .
17 I wonder how he would have responded if you had n't been so angry/polite/upset by the loss of your children ? "
18 But the thing is if you 're walking up er the driveway of a house , you do n't want to be caught and you do n't want to be seen and you , you think you 're under cover of darkness and then the big halogen floodlight comes on , puts you in a spotlight next door .
19 Nothing you had done , or said , would have mattered if I had n't .
20 And , and to be able to if you like , bring it as a dowry , but it would n't have mattered if she had n't a penny .
21 Well , what we 've decided to do is er know what to do and er this , this is the gang this is maybe exaggerated if you do n't have three people on the bottom if you get Any thing else ?
22 The argument is often heard that problems are not necessarily solved by throwing money at them ; how are they solved if you do n't ?
23 sparkling and looked like it had n't been touched , and I could n't believe it .
24 ‘ At Doncaster the buffet was closed , the waiting room looked like it had n't been cleaned for three months , the staff locked themselves in a room and every time we heard an engine and dashed out it was pulling coal wagons . ’
25 A very nice book , highly recommended if you do n't already possess the relevant Interpet encyclopedias .
26 First of all , I expect most of you have heard that the proposed holiday to Torbay has had to be cancelled cos we did n't have enough support .
27 ‘ I will be devastated if we do n't win , ’ he admits .
28 She has always had this dream that I would make it to university and she will be devastated if I do n't continue , but the way I am feeling now , I do n't want to .
29 This is something I was trying to get clarified but I do n't care really as long as somebody gets it .
30 I 've I 've looked but he has n't come in .
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