Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [noun prp] [vb past] that " in BNC.

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1 But that time has not yet come and Orlan found that most of the surgeons she approached did not want to get involved with her ideas .
2 ( A proposal by Delors that a special " fraternity " payment should be made to East Germany was dropped after Kohl said that this was unnecessary . )
3 Francis Morgan would no doubt ring him too , but he was naturally so shaken that McLeish thought that small piece of insurance worthwhile .
4 From this approach , it can be seen that Duguit felt that , in general , citizens must , as a matter of fact , obey the state .
5 Erm I felt really organized cos Mr said that I was too hyperactive and I needed to have , I had to do something constructive so he sent me out posting well giving everyone their letters and I felt really I mean he did n't do it nastily , he just said I was flitting about and needed something to do and so it was really fun .
6 In the event , Paris was saved because Galliéni recognized that the moment had come to strike at the Germans when Kluck , wheeling northeast of the city , exposed his right flank to the Sixth Army .
7 But they were ultimately dashed when China insisted that Hong Kong diplomats take second place to British representatives , thus demoting the views of the colony and effectively limiting the talks to the Britain and China .
8 Jimmy Warren was indeed in a state of shock at what he had witnessed and Rachel knew that he would require post-incident-trauma counselling .
9 The light returned to normal , the rain stopped and Lee saw that Rokeya was weeping .
10 The cancer of the breast was hopelessly advanced and Young felt that it was the result of wearing fashionably tight dresses , ‘ very beautiful in a picture and there only to be admired …
11 The trial of the Ukrainian nationalist leader Stepan Khmara , which began in May [ see p. 38205 ] , was repeatedly postponed as Khmara claimed that the judges were biased against him .
12 A cold meal was hastily served , a few words exchanged , and everyone speedily retired as Catesby insisted that on the morrow we would rise early as there was a great deal of business to be done .
13 In all , about two thirds of the island of Krakatoa had disappeared and Verbeek estimated that about fifteen cubic kilometres of matter had been ejected by the eruption .
14 Conversation was desultory for we were all exhausted though Mandeville declared that tomorrow he would spread his net .
15 His most famous invention , however , was a stone xylophone , invented when Neddy noticed that a stone he had found in a beck gave out a clear note when struck .
16 Her expression softened when Lydia said that she would like her parents to come too , and again Lydia had misgivings .
17 She leant lazily against the sofa and they talked a little and ate and drank and the evening progressed and Robyn found that , astonishingly , she was enjoying herself , relaxing back against the sofa , stretching out her long legs in front of her , listening to the deep , magnetic timbre of his voice .
18 Much has happened since England won that 1969 Test 11–8 , most notably the shift in global power .
19 Some time passed before Anwar noticed that his much-anticipated son-in-law was n't the rippling physical specimen he 'd expected .
20 ‘ Times have changed since Goering said that if a single bomb fell on Berlin you could call him Meier . ’
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