Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [subord] [pers pn] do " in BNC.

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1 But it will not be contained effectively if we do not deal with the refugee problem immediately . ’
2 If you had n't come in when you did … ’
3 Her whole body relaxed when Beth told her with a measure of amusement , ‘ No , Peggy , but I might well have done if you had n't come in when you did . ’
4 It can be rescued only if we do not take judicial opinions at face value at all ; we must treat all the judges who worry about problematical statutes and precedents as practising some unmotivated form of deception .
5 So if Jimi had n't come along when he did , the guitar might not be half as popular an instrument as it is today . ’
6 If you had n't come along when you did … ’ she trailed off as she struggled to hold back the tears .
7 And if they really were the murderers , would they have been so foolish , after leaving Ayr and with Ross 's money in the car , to have picked up as they did two girls who had been stranded by their boy friends , and taken them to their homes in Kilmarnock ?
8 If Kit and Teresa had n't come back when they did … ’
9 ‘ Would n't be the first time your husband 's come back when you did n't expect him , would it ? ’
10 Ninety women that have all been forgotten , just like these twenty three could be forgotten today if we do n't do something about it .
11 Therefore , there seem to be two bases on which a contractual term can be attacked even though it does not attempt to restrain a party after the contractual period had ended .
12 Sadly , so many dogs seem to end up in classes run by loud , aggressive people , where they are yanked cruelly on choke chains and punished physically if they do n't do as they 're told .
13 I knew Mum would not have done so because they did n't get on , although I never found out why .
14 Reflecting these last results is the finding that fixed-contract workers tended to have taken their temporary jobs in response to a lack of permanent work , whilst seasonal , temporary or casual workers had done so because they did not want permanent work .
15 She felt she could have done better than she did with her next remark .
16 They were turned down because it did not fit the criteria .
17 Now my children are grown up so I do n't need constant help .
18 Do you believe that women feel more empowered or less empowered now than they did last year ?
19 Otherwise it may be difficult to appreciate how very natural it is that things should have turned out as they did . )
20 In the case of the sociological positivists , this reluctance applied even when they did become involved in the analysis of the operation of penal institutions — when the ‘ sociology of the prison blossomed in the 1950s and 1960s .
21 Any Palestinian who speaks will have to have the approval of the PLO , but this will not be said publicly because we do n't want to give Shamir the chance to withdraw , which we think he 's looking for an excuse to do . ’
22 Any Palestinian who speaks will have to have the approval of the PLO , but this will not be said publicly because we do n't want to give Shamir the chance to withdraw , which we think he 's looking for an excuse to do . ’
23 I thought they might have got here before I did . ’
24 Your Midland TESSA will be closed immediately if you do not comply with the statutory requirements for a TESSA , and the consequence will be the same as for early withdrawal of your deposit .
25 The organisers saw Morse drinking beer all the time on television and thought even if I did n't know anything about the quality of beer I must be a quantity man .
26 If they had not got there when they did , the child would be dead . ’
27 Bob , 39 , said : ‘ Robert would have been a goner if I had n't got there when I did .
28 They never get aired properly if I do n't do it myself .
29 Peterborough manager Chris Turner said : ‘ We could not have played better than we did tonight .
30 I was n't born really because I did n't have a birth certificate or anything so I do n't know how old I am .
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