Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Two passages are relied on to support that view from judgments of Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. in recent cases .
2 The argument relied on to support that submission is set out in the judgment in the following passage : ‘ The argument there is that on their arrival there is no home and there is no financial support forthcoming from the plaintiff who himself lives on state benefits .
3 The initial writ requires to identify the licensing board 's failures and specify the circumstances which are relied on to show that the hoard erred ; it is not sufficient to recite without specification all the statutory grounds of appeal ( Sutherland v. City of Edinburgh District Licensing Board , 1984 S.L.T. 241 ) .
4 This is permitted only on condition that they help in the conquest of Canaan before returning to a settled life .
5 Additionally , carried away by enthusiasm that ought not to affect the judgement of experienced lawyers , they advised him , or agreed on his urging ( I do not know which ) , that he should issue writs for libel , which he did , with the disastrous effect that he actually accepted some damages from one publication before he was compelled to reveal the falsity of his assertions .
6 Congruent Corp , a small band of tecchies operating from the heart of Manhattan , has come out with technology that will enable Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT operating system to support X Window applications running on X terminals and workstations .
7 Congruent Corp , a small band of techies operating from the heart of Manhattan , has come out with technology that will enable Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT operating system to support X Window applications running on X terminals and workstations .
8 Millions upon millions of seeds , spores , and similar reproductive bodies are annually scattered abroad in order that species may settle in new stations ; yet millions upon millions perish because they are sown in places where physical conditions or nature of the soil check their development or where other species are stronger .
9 Two witnesses have come forward with information that could lead to the killer 's arrest .
10 In the late fifth-century Babylonian satrapy ‘ bow land ’ and ‘ chariot land ’ were given away on condition that the owners for the time being paid for soldiers or cavalry .
11 Most of the financial systems now targeted at the Unix market have grown out of software that was originally designed for use on PCs , or ported across from older mainframe systems and out of date mid-range platforms .
12 However , it is when the two heat sources are used together in combination that the true capabilities can be appreciated .
13 I could have got away with murder that Saturday night , although under the present circumstances I had better add that I made no attempt to do so .
14 Demonstrations by members of the majority ethnic-Albanian population appeared to have been sparked off by concern that , given the position taken by the Serbian delegation at the extraordinary LCY congress , Kosovar Albanians were to be denied a multiparty political system in the province which would allow Albanian nationalist parties to challenge Serbian domination .
15 This was reflected too in dress that combined Moorish robes with European mail and weaponry .
16 We arrive to witness a near riot — the dull hungry eyes of the children having been lit up by fear that the food is about to run out .
17 It is an atavistic reaction , born partly of disappointment that decades of believing that infectious diseases are a danger past and partly from the underlying despair of those infected with HIV and the anger of the groups that represent them .
18 Some have pointed out with justice that the Max Planck Institutes have bled away the best research talent from the universities .
19 It has been pointed out by Gospel that ‘ managers ’ themselves can not be defined simply as being either employers or employees , since for the majority of them their role is ( simultaneously ) of a dual nature :
20 It has been pointed out by Ochshorn that Jesus ' message is evidently addressed basically to men .
21 It was also pointed out in Committee that , if single pensioners received such a premium , so would a millionaire .
22 It was pointed out in argument that , pursuant to regulation 7 of the Income Tax ( Building Societies ) Regulations 1986 , tax which was due but not paid on or before the due date could have been the subject of an assessment on Woolwich under paragraph 4(2) or ( 3 ) of Schedule 20 to the Finance Act 1972 ; but for the reasons I have already given any such assessment would , in my opinion , have been a nullity in the circumstances of the present case .
23 CANO LEE MIN Things sensed out of sight that will return
24 Certainly when we get settled in after Christmas that should be and I 'll shall say about six rolls but I 'll shall say six rolls and just the every time I get one roll of wallpaper up and you you 'll think oh I 'll do the rest tomorrow just a bit more , then you get one more looks alright there , the other wall and er , I 'm sat , I 've been up all night doing this shall do one more then I 'll go a bed , I get from the wife bloody hell mother what time did you go to bed , about an hour ago , could n't leave it wallpaper .
25 He is interested both in the future — how political changes might be brought about through information that stretches potential consciousness and causes a group to transform — and in the past .
26 Apart from personal tax allowances , there is a whole range of other allowances , or benefits , which are gained only on condition that taxpayers undertake a certain pattern of expenditure , such as buying houses , or acquiring a private pension .
27 She was not fooled for an instant nor so cut off from news that she had not heard that war was in the air again .
28 He should have been with the girl from the petrol station half an hour ago , but he was too eaten up with jealousy that his dear amigo , Luke , had taken that white-haired she-devil out for a drink .
29 ‘ I know Rosemary feels eaten up by guilt that she 's fallen in love with you while she 's married to someone else , but surely — ’ Leith tried to reason .
30 The boys of the village were taken along in order that environmental lessons should be bumped into their heads .
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