Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] with [det] of " in BNC.

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1 But beauticians might be greedy financially , he reckoned , so that idea was discarded together with that of shoplifting .
2 The unpublished results of the Birmingham community aneurysm screening project were considered along with those of other , larger projects .
3 He kept thinking of how his Mum and Dad would be when they found out he was n't back , that he had n't come home with either of them .
4 Yeah er they , they would n't have come out with some of the things about er I ca n't remember what was said that erm you know er would n't mind meeting you in the bath or
5 The work in the Netherlands is therefore considered here with that of the Germanic Baltic group with which it has much in common .
6 Melody 's moved on with some of my men , but she said she saw Boz again a day or two ago .
7 MARY McKenzie , first honorary member of Grayshott Good Companions , is seen here with some of her oldest friends at the club — Edith Taylor , Dorothy Osland , Jo Johnson , Dot Theobald and Rose Hicks .
8 There was little public knowledge of the extent to which intelligence tests had already become part of the machinery of secondary selection by 1940 , nor how far their use was tied in with that of standardised tests of attainment in English and arithmetic , which were provided , marked and correlated by the same person or organisation .
9 As they are a clearly established data subset in the Census of Production , their collective performance can therefore be compared directly with that of UK manufacturing companies in the UK .
10 Hence the study of primitive culture is intimately bound up with that of primitive religion .
11 The mill 's history is inextricably bound up with that of the Wilkins family , who were involved with it from 1840 to 1947 .
12 In Zimbabwe and Zambia ( formerly the British colonies of Southern and Northern Rhodesia ) , the history of the press is closely bound up with that of South Africa , both colonies being linked to the South by economic ties , by transport and communications , and by the political pressures exerted by vocal white settler communities .
13 The same was true even for Gen von Pannwitz and some of his senior German officers in the 15 SS Cossack Cavalry Corps who , as we can see from the diaries of Count Erwein-Carl zu Eltz [ See KP 62 ] , regarded their fate as inextricably bound up with that of their men , even though they might , like zu Eltz , have found the opportunity to escape .
14 The whole question of national health is bound up with that of efficiency and output and it is impossible to rank as a ‘ burden ’ on industry or on the community an outlay which safeguards wellbeing and ( to put it no higher ) conduces to the efficiency of the machine .
15 Holomisa told him that " winds of change " in South Africa had made people in Transkei doubt " the wisdom of clinging to independence " and that its future was " inseparably bound up with that of South Africa " ; he had promised to hold a referendum on this issue .
16 As these teachers realized they were not to get the major posts of responsibility , that their objective career progression had come to an end , that their own subject expertise was being compared unfavourably with that of their colleagues from former grammar schools , and that they were to be allocated the ‘ dirty work ’ of teaching the lower-ability groups in the lower streams — they formed a staff counterculture which set about resisting the initiatives of the head , and they withdrew that commitment and enthusiasm in the classroom that had previously been a major part of their secondary modern identity :
17 Its pay has always compared poorly with that of other white-collar occupations , but the social standing of teachers traditionally offered compensation .
18 It was Hua who gave the order for Jiang Qing and her associates to be arrested along with many of their supporters .
19 His replacement , Ignacio Morales Lechuga , opened up an immediate investigation into the running of the Matamoros prison , whose prison governor was arrested along with several of his officials .
20 Rules are , indeed , important for act utilitarianism , too , and not only as rules of thumb , but rather as felicific habits ; still , the effects on people , s inclination to stick with generally felicific rules is simply a consequence of an individual act to be weighed along with all of its other consequences .
21 The replacement water tank and copper piping ( which the council had brought ) stolen along with more of our stuff .
22 10.3 The Academic Parties shall , notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement , have a licence to use for the purpose of further internal research and teaching work all the foreground technical information that they themselves have generated together with such of the background and results as is communicated to them hereunder by the other Parties and is necessary for such use of their own result , but such use shall be in conformity with the confidentiality conditions of this Agreement .
23 I 'd gone along with some of the lads — my first wife was never that keen on travel — and there she was .
24 Pictured above with some of the students are ( left to right ) : Prof David J. Cole-Hamilton ( Irvine professor of chemistry , University of St Andrews ) ; Prof David E. Fenton ( Sheffield ) ; Prof Brian T. Heaton ( Liverpool ) ; Prof Brian F.G .
25 The findings from this study , taken together with those of Gardner et al , suggest that the children of certain men who are monitored for exposure to external ionising radiation in the nuclear industry might be at an increased risk of leukaemia .
26 It 's identified generally with many of the glories of bourgeois cooking through the 18th and 19th centuries .
27 Thus the Roman plan for rectangular temples was generally pseudo-peripteral , wherein the cella was widened at the expense of the peristyle , and often the side ambulatory disappeared and half columns attached to the cella walls lined up with those of the front portico ; an imposing example of this design is the Maison Carrée at Nîmes ( 113 ) .
28 The first , consecutive pattern , in which a period of theoretical study is followed by a period of supervised practice , is associated mainly with some of the traditional professions such as medicine , dentistry , veterinary science , law and to a large extent engineering .
29 32 P-labelled probes were prepared from their corresponding cDNA inserts and the blot was hybridised sequentially with each of the probes used .
30 Details of Mark 's rack come courtesy of Ronnie ( from Bromley ) Eve , who is also photographed here with some of Mark 's guitars .
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